Part 10

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Camilla's pov: a couple weeks had passed by and me and Cameron are still together. A couple of times vanessa has tried to keep us apart. But I'd say we're stronger this time. Tonight we were meeting each other's family's. The last time we dated he never really was interested in meeting my family. But this time he was okay with it. I got home from school and got on my phone. Cameron knocked on my window and I let him up. He kissed me as soon as I opened the window. He laid on my bed and we talked about our day. This usually happens after school. He climbs up on my window and we have a heart to heart conversation. He pulled me on top of him. And kissed my forehead. "Why couldn't life be like this 2 weeks ago"? Cameron said, "well it happened for a reason and now look where we are at."
I said yea and he kissed me again but this time on the lips. I said we outta get ready. Got a big night ahead of us he said, oh yea I totally forgot and headed out. I love him so much. I waved bye to him out the window like a Disney princess movie. But I'm no princess. I hurried up an got in the shower. I was planning on wearing a dress of some sort. But then it hit me. My boyfriend is meeting my brother aka the guy who beat up him up. Oh god why did that have to happen. I never quite got an explanation on why he did what he did that day. Maybe he was drunk. Idk right now I need to worry on my look. I got out and straightened my hair. I got a phone call from Dinah Jane, which is my band mate from fifth harmony. "Dinah!" "Hey girl we have a meet up tonight." "A what?!" "Yea why do you seem so upset". "My boyfriend and I are gonna meet each other's family." Well sorry the fans payed to meet you already I can't cancel it all together over some silly boy." "Silly boy"? "Whatever wallz, hope we see you there, think of the fans."
I hung up. I can't give up on my fans but I also can't give up on my love life. Cameron broke up with me because I had something in my career come up. What am I gonna do.
Cameron's pov: i wanted to stop by Camilla's house before I went home to get ready. So I went over to her house and we had some cute couple moments of course. But I had to leave soon because I had to be prepared. My family is crazy and I had to decrazy them before she came over. I have no clue why I am looking forward to this. I hate meeting family members. You never know what to say or if you just messed up completely. I opened the door to my house and there was my brother Liam he was going out with his friends thankfully, he would've embarrassed me in front of Camilla. I got a phone call from Becca I have no clue how she even got my number but oh well I answered. Hello? Hi is this Cameron? Well duh. Well hi this is Becca. Okay... And. I'm just letting you know that I'm gonna be there tonight too because I am as well apart of her family. You are? She giggled, of course silly. I hung up I don't like talking to her. It's always awkward and creepy. I got another call, it was probably Becca again I answered. "WHAT?!" "Dang you seem upset". "Well duh you already called." "No I didn't your acting weird". Wait if it isn't Becca it must be oh shoot! Oh hey Camilla sorry I thought I was Becca. "Oh it's fine, I need to tell you something". She needs to tell me something. what could it be. I'm gonna die! "What is it"? Well you know how we were supposed to meet each other's family tonight." "Yea I'm looking forward to it". She said, "oh about that I have to cancel we have a meet up." My heart dropped to the floor. "Of course". "It's your job and I'll respect it". She was so happy to hear me say that when secretly inside I was dying I hate all the crap that goes into being a "pop star". She said, "cam that means a lot I love you and I have something for you when I get back." She hung up. What is that supposed to mean. She has something for you. I had all these thoughts in my head for what it could be. I'm nervous but I trust her. She's been nothing but good to me.

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