Chapter 2 Enjoy The Fall

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Madison's POV
School had ended and I had gotten my backpack from my locker. I was glad it was over. I'm so tired of upperclassmen calling me Freshman. It sucks. It's just a label they use to act like they're superior to us. I walked outside scrolling through my music as I walked. I found a song I wanted to listen to. It was Radioactive by The Imagine Dragons. I love this song. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me.
Ew. What are you doing here? Someone said. I turned around. There was a girl standing behind me. I could easily tell she was one of the school bullies. It wasn't hard to see that with how she acted.
I go to school here. I replied.
Ugh. I don't know why. They shouldn't let people like you into this school. She said. The comment didn't make me angry. I had spent years working on controlling my anger. Why? I'm a demon. I had to learn to control my anger or else I could end up hurting people because of it. It's not easy. Not many demons overcome their anger and learn to control it but somehow I did. So here I am. I'm not the only magical creature here. There are werewolves, witches, warlocks, and people with powers but I'm the only demon.
I shrugged. Why should I care what you think about me? I asked her. She glared at me.
Because I'm popular and you aren't. I rule this school. I could make your life miserable. She said. I laughed.
You can't make my life any worse than it already is. I said it blankly. It was sad but it was true. I started to walk away when she pushed me. I dropped my backpack and fell backwards. I was about to fall into the fountain behind me when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. Huh? I turned my head only to see the boy who had helped me find my homeroom this morning. I stumbled and tried to catch my balance. He helped me gain my balance then let go of me.
I'm sorry...Thanks for catching me. I said.
It's fine. It wasn't your fault. I saw that girl push you. He said.
I just noticed that the girl had disappeared. I picked up my backpack.
I should get home. I said quietly.
Here Freshman. I'll walk you home. He said.
Listen I know I'm just a freshman but you don't have to help me. I snapped.
Way to go loser. Scare off the one person who actually talks to you. The voice in my head snapped at me. Great. I hate that voice. It's never saying something good. Always something about me being a loser or not good enough for people. It sucks.
I'm sorry... I practically whispered. ...You can walk with me if you want. At first I thought he didn't hear me or didn't care. I started walking but suddenly he appeared beside me. He stayed silent at first then out of nowhere he said...
I didn't help you because I thought I had to...I helped you because I wanted to. He said. help me....Why?
Soon we got to my house and I turned to face him.
This is my house. Thanks for walking me here...and I'm sorry for snapping at you. I just hate being called Freshman. I said.
Why? He asked.
Ask me again if we ever actually become friends. Then I'll tell you. I said.
I thought we are friends. He said.
You don't even know my name. I said. Besides you don't want to be friends with me.
Why? He asked.
I've got a lot of problems that you don't want to deal with. I said.
More problems than anyone wants to deal with. Not even your parents want to deal with them. The voice in my head said.
How do you know I can't handle it? I've got problems of my own. He said.
Listen. It's just better for me to drown on my own then to drag someone else down with me. I said not looking at him. I walked up my driveway.
Hey! He called. I turned around and looked at him.
Yeah? I said.
Laurence. He said.
What? I asked.
That's my name. He said.
I stared at him for a few seconds then shook my head.
My name's Madison. I said. He nodded. I smirked.
Now you can stop calling me Freshman. I said. He laughed and shook his head at me. I unlocked the door and walked into my house. I closed it behind me. My parents aren't home. As usual.
They don't want to see you.
Ugh. I wish that voice would go away.
Just then Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra started playing in my headphones. I walked upstairs to my room and sat down on my bed dropping my backpack on the floor.
Little do you know How I'm breaking while you fall asleep.
I stared at the wall. I've got nothing to do. I don't want to sit here. I want to stop thinking. I want to turn my mind off and just make everything go away. I want to make the pain stop...but I can't.
Little Do you know I'm still haunted by the memories.
Everything. I want it to stop. The memories. This stupid voice in my head. My parents. School. Everything. It's all just problems.
Little do you know I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece.
I try to do better. I try every day to tell myself it will get better but I just don't believe it anymore. No one is here to help me. No one cares. I'm completely alone.
Little do you know I need a little more time.
Laurence might care. But I don't understand why. I feel bad that I'm pushing him away but I'm just not good at trusting people anymore. I've been hurt so many times it's hard to trust people.
Underneath it all I'm held captive by the falling sight.
I been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind.
But what if he doesn't. He's probably just like everyone else. Why would anyone actually care about me?
I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight.
Little do you know I need a little more time.
I be friends with him. I want to trust him...But it's just so hard. I need time to think.
Laurence's POV
I walked into my room and dropped my backpack on the floor. I can't believe I live next door to that girl. I know her name now. Madison. That's progress. She's not easy to become friends with. But I'm not giving up. Something is different about her. She's alone. She needs someone to be there for her. I want to be that person. So I'll wait if I have to.
I'll wait. I'll wait. I'll love you like you've never felt the pain.
I'll wait. I promise you don't have to be afraid. I'll wait.
Love is here. We're here to stay. So lay your head on me.
I know she's afraid. She's afraid to trust me. Someone hurt her. She doesn't trust people easily anymore.
Little do you know I know you're hurting while I'm fast asleep.
I know she's hurting and I want to help stop the pain. I want to help her.
Little do you know all my mistakes are slowly drowning me.
Little do you know I'm trying to make it better piece by piece.
I'll try to make it better. But I'll wait until she trusts me first.
Little do you know I. I love you till the sun dies.
I'll wait. Just wait. I'll love you like I've never felt the pain.
Just wait. I'll love you like I've never been afraid.
I looked out my window and I noticed I could see in a window across from my room. I could see a person. Then I realized... Is that Madison? Is she... Crying?
Just wait. Our love is here. It's here to stay.
So lay your head on me.
She is. I walk closer to the window and I can see her. She's sitting on the edge of her bed her head in her hands. When she sits back up she wipes her eyes. She takes a deep breath then gets up and walks out of her room.
I'll wait. I'll wait. I'll wait. I'll wait. I'll love you like you've never felt the pain.
I'll wait. I'll wait. I promise you don't have to be afraid.
I'll wait as long as it takes but no matter what I'm gonna help her...I promise.
I'll wait. Love is here. it's here to stay.
So lay your head on me. Lay your head on me.
I walked over to my desk and grabbed my computer and sat down on my bed.
So lay your head on me. Cause little do you know I. I love you till the sun dies...
I won't give up on her...even if she's already given up on herself...

Madison's POV
I had walked downstairs to get food. I got a cinnamon pop tart. I really love pop tarts. I walked back into my room. I looked out my window and noticed I could see in the window across from me... Wait? Is that...Laurence! I stepped forward trying to figure out if I was just seeing things and nearly tripped over my backpack. I stumbled and nearly fell but I managed to catch myself before I could fall on my face.
He lives across the street from me?!
That's surprising. I can't believe the one person that actually talks to me is actually my neighbor. That's really ironic and really weird. Whatever. It doesn't matter. I should just get some sleep. I still have to go back to school again tomorrow...
I changed into my pajamas. 8:25. I laid down in my bed. I lay awake for a while due to my insomnia. I looked over at the clock. 9:15. I finally fell asleep after a while. I woke up before my alarm rang and looked at my phone. 4:30. I tried to go back to sleep. No use. I got up and got ready for school.
I guess I'll just be extra early today...

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