Chapter 6 I Can't Believe It

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Madison's POV
I walked to my next class. They had gotten a teacher specifically to teach me. Since I was the only demon in the school I was the only one in the class. It was like having a tutor. I did like my teacher. He pushed me to do my best but he pushed too hard sometimes and he didn't always know when to stop. I walked into the classroom and sat down. Soon my teacher arrived. His name is Mr. Evans.
Good morning Madison. Today I would like to test your control of your anger. As you know all demons that come to live in a public place must have a good grip on their temper. So I would like to see how well you control your anger. He said.
How do you plan to do that? I asked.
I will ask you a series of questions that from looking at your personal record should make you angry and I will see how well you handle them. He said.
Wait. You looked at my personal record? I said slightly bothered that people could just do that without my permission.
Yes. I did. So are you ready? He asked sitting down at his desk.
I took a deep breath.
Yes. I said.
Bold= Mr. Evans
Regular= Madison
Okay then. Do you live with your parents?
Where do they work?
They're both insurance workers.
Do they go on many business trips?
Are they home very often?
I stayed silent. have to answer each question.
My voice cracked and I didn't look up from my desk.
What is your relationship like with your parents?
I could feel anger and sadness bubbling up in my chest. Tears stung my eyes.
What does this have to do with you teaching me anything?! I yelled.
I looked down at my hands and noticed my nails turning midnight blue.
( swearing alert. If you don't like swearing don't read this. )
Damn it. I mumbled. I clenched my hands into fists.
( done with the swearing. )
I got up and darted out of the room. I had super speed when I was in my demon form so I was outside in a few seconds. I sat down underneath a tree behind the school. Tears blurred my vision. I forced them back. Don't cry. Not yet. It's almost over. You're almost done. You can do this. Just a little longer.
I took a deep breath and held back my tears. I won't cry. Not yet. I'm almost done...almost.

Aphmau's POV
I was walking down the hall when a teacher walked up to me.
You're one of Madison's friends. aren't you? He said.
Yeah. I said.
I need your help finding her. He said.
He explained to me that he tried testing her anger for their class and that he crossed a line asking about her relationship with her parents and she ran out. I told him I would help look for her. But it's gonna take forever if I'm looking by myself. I found Garroth and Laurence and asked if they would help me look for her. I told them what happened between Madison and the teacher and that she ran out and that I need help finding her. They agreed to help me.

Laurence's POV
I walked around to the back of the school. I found Madison there sitting underneath a tree. She's staring down at the ground. I walked towards her.
Are you okay? I asked.
She jumped. I'm guessing she didn't hear me coming. She looked up at me.
I'm fine. She said.
But I could tell she wasn't okay. She was upset. Her teacher had asked about her relationship with her parents. Why did that upset her so much? Wait isn't Madison's driveway always empty. Does that mean her parents are never around? Is she always there alone? That must be horrible. I mean I've got my mom and my brothers and my sister. I can't imagine what it's like to be alone all the time.
Aphmau told us what happened with you and the teacher. She asked us to help look for you. I said.
Oh. She said. She looked back down at the ground. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to waste your time. She said.
I stared at her in confusion.
Why do you do that? I asked her.
She looked up at me.
Why do I do what? She asked.
Why do you think so lowly of yourself?  I'm not wasting my time by looking for you. I came to find you because you're my friend and you're upset and I wanted to help you. I don't know who gave you the impression that you're such an awful person but you aren't. You're smart and sweet and funny. You're one of the few girls that actually stops and just listens to me. You're a great friend and an amazing person and I don't understand how you don't see it. I said.
She stares at me for a minute.
I don't understand why you care so much about me but I'm glad that you're my friend. It's nice to have someone that cares about me. Believe or not I care about you too. You're a great guy. You're sweet, friendly, helpful, and funny. You're a great friend. Sometimes I don't know why you haven't just given up on me. You're a pretty amazing person. She said.
I blushed. Why am I blushing?!?!
I wouldn't give up on her. I care about her too much to do that.
She blushed and looked away from me.
T-Thank you. She said.
Wait. I said that out loud.
Yeah. You did. She said.
I blushed even more.
Oh. I said. W-We should g-get back to class. The b-bell will be ringing soon. I stuttered. Since when do I stutter?!
O-Okay. She stuttered.
Why is she stuttering?  She looks cute when she stutters. Wait. WHAT AM I THINKING?!?!
Laurence are you okay? You look like you might have a fever. She said.
She pressed a hand against my forehead.
I-I-I'm p-perfectly f-fine. I said taking a step back feeling my heart racing.
Are you sure? She asked.
Y-yeah. I said. L-lets go.
Okay. She said.

Madison's POV
Laurence and I walked back to class together. I'm glad he never gave up on me. He really is amazing. He was stuttering a lot today. It's kinda cute seeing him embarrassed for once. I like his confidence but his shy nervous side is cute too. Wait. Could Aphmau be right? Do I?..... Oh my gosh..... I do have a crush on Laurence....

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