Chapter 8 Geuss Who

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Laurence's POV
I woke up and sat up in my bed. I got up and walked past my window. I swore I could faintly hear music. I pushed open my curtains and looked out my window. I could see inside Madison's room. She was dancing to music playing through her phone. I laughed. She's a really bad dancer. But I'll admit she looks kinda cute when she dances. Just then my door swung open. I pushed my curtains closed and spun around. Just then Garroth appeared in my doorway. He stared at me.
What are you doing? He asked.
N-nothing. I stuttered.
He stared at me for a few more seconds.
Whatever. He said. You need to get ready. School will be starting soon.
Okay. I said.
He left and I got ready for school.
~Magical Time Skip To After School~
Still Laurence's POV
I sat my backpack on my bed and sat down. I decided to text my online friend. We had been talking for a long time and we had become really good friends. She's really cool.
Bold= Laurence
Italics= WhoKnows/Madison
What are you doing?
Listening to music. What are you doing?
When are you not listening to music? I'm sitting in my room.
Lol. I'm pretty much always listening to music.
Yeah. I know. What are you listening to?
Everybody Talks by Neon Trees.
Cool. What'd you do at school today?
Nothing much. Just notes, demon training, more notes. That kinda thing.
Wow. You're life sounds thoroughly boring. —_— 
Thanks. I try. ( Sarcasm )
I like that you feel the need to write out that you're being sarcastic.
*shrug* No one said I wasn't weird.
Lol. So have you made any friends yet?
Yeah. I've made a few.
Okay. Tell me about them.
Well there's Aphmau. She was my first friend. She's really sweet and really funny. Then Travis. He's kinda shy but he's really cool and sweet. He's a great friend. Then there's Garroth. He's pretty cool. He's really popular apparently but that doesn't really matter to me. Then there's Dante he's a major player. He kinda creeps me out. But he seems pretty cool. And Lucinda. She's a witch. She's always arguing with this girl named Katelyn. She's very sneaky but she seems like a good friend. Katelyn is really violent. She tends to hurt anyone within a ten foot distance of her. But she seems cool. Then there's Cadenza. She loves fashion. Like a lot. She even makes some of her own clothes. It's pretty cool. Then there's Zane. He doesn't talk much. He's antisocial like me. He acts like a jerk but I think he's nicer than he acts. But that's just my opinion. Then Vlyad. He's pretty cool too. He's really nice. He doesn't talk much either. He definitely talks more than Zane but he doesn't talk a whole lot. And last but not least is Laurence. He's really cool and funny. He's incredibly sweet. He's always there for me. He makes me feel better when I'm upset. He's just amazing.

I reread that message several times before it registered in my head. But only one person I know knows all these people....could it really be her?...only one way to find out.

Hey you real name by any chance Madison?
Um Yeah. Why?'s Laurence...

Madison's POV's Laurence...
I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just told the boy I like my opinion of him. Oh no. There's so many things I've told him over the internet. I've told him about my awful relationship with my parents. The bullying at school. How I feel invisible. How I'm always alone. How I hate being alone. Everything....except one thing. I never told him about the depression. I never told him about the voices in my head telling me I'd be better off dead. I never told him how sad and upset I really am. I never told him that I'm breaking. I took a deep breath and let it out. I picked up my phone that I had sat down on my bed. I looked down at the screen. Then I typed a message back to him that said "So what? This doesn't change anything. We're still friends. Now we just know each other's real names."
Then I crawled into my bed letting the tears I had held back for so long slip down my face. And for once...I didn't try to stop them. I just cried. I cried until I fell asleep. And when I woke up again that night I cried some more. I was getting tired of fighting. But I was trying. I was trying for the boy who lived next door to me. For the boy who had slowly become my best friend and even more than that...he had become the boy I loved...

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