Chapter 1

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My name is Ariana Blake. I am 14. I am a demigod. I am also a witch. And I am the only one of my kind. Since I come from two different magical groups, I am extremely powerful.

My mother is Athena. My father is a wizard. I go to Camp Half-Blood in the summer, and Hogwarts for school. I am hardly ever home, actually, due to how unsafe it is. There are monsters all the time, and I am always putting my father in danger. So right now, I am at Camp Half-Blood. Oh, and I will either improve magic or destroy it.

When I was 12, Xander the satyr came for me. I had told my father I was leaving, I didn't want to put him in any danger. But he didn't let me run away, he forbade it. So later when he was asleep, I ran. Xander found me and he told me that there was a place that I could be safe.

Learning that you are a demigod isn't that surprising when you already are magical. So I took the news well, but not everybody around me did.

"This is bad. Terrible news. Absolutely awful!" Chiron muttered in the Big House after I was claimed by Athena.

"What? I really didn't do anything." I sighed. Chiron stopped muttering and looked down at me.

"Ariana, I am terribly sorry. I am being so incredibly rude. But the less you know, the safer you are." I snorted. I was never safe, except for here and Hogwarts.

"Head to your cabin, get unpacked. You will be here for a while."

I did as Chiron said and went to my cabin. As I walked in, every one was silent. Ever walked in on people who were just whispering about you? Well, this was not my first time. So I put my bag on the nearest bed, swept my red hair into a ponytail, and unpacked. I talked to nobody, although I knew they were talking about me. Soon enough, I fell into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning, I decided that I was going to find out why people were talking about me.

"Where is Chiron?" I asked Xander as I saw him passing by.

"Check the Big House. How was your cabin?"

I rolled my eyes in disgust. "Let's go with not good." I marched to the Big House.

I knocked on the door. Chiron opened it, but his face fell as he saw my determination.

"I know what you want." Chiron sighed and motioned me to come in. He went to the kitchen to make some tea. "Want any?" He asked.

"No, thank you." I said quickly. I needed to get to the point.

"I know I'm different, but everybody is talking behind my back! There is something I don't know, but you do! You are keeping it from me!"

Chiron stirred his tea.

"You are, in a way, either the best or worst thing ever. Maybe you should see the oracle." Chiron said, and pointed to the attic.

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