Chapter 11

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I awake in a dark, cold room with no light except for a small slit of a window that lets in a microscopic amount of moonlight.  I am sitting on a chair and my hands are tied behind my back.  There is a gag in my mouth, and my feet are bound with a rope.  My legs are tied, too.

In the small sliver of moonlight, I can make out two other figures.  I guess that they are Percy and Annabeth, and they are bound as well.  They are sitting in chairs, and Annabeth's screams are muffled.

My brain clicks, and I remember what happened.  Tears swell in my eyes, and they silently run down my cheeks.

What if the man kills us?  What if he keeps us here forever like pets?  What if I never see my father again?

I shift my weight slightly to the left to feel for my wand.  I feel it poking into my chest, and I remember that I had put it in my tux pocket on the inside.  Thank god for inside pockets.

I can't exactly do wand-less spells, so I sit and cry some more.

I hear footsteps above me, and suddenly as I hear the click of a light switch, the room is flooded with light.  The man is standing in a doorway and walks down the steps in front of him.

I look around and see pipes sticking out everywhere, and I realize that we are in a basement.  I've never been trapped in somebody's basement.  I hope this is the last time.

The man smirks at the three of us as he slowly steps toward us.  Annabeth, Percy and I are in a row, facing the man.  He grins that evil smile some more.

"How are you feeling, demigods?"  He says in that voice that means nothing but trouble.

Percy gives a muffled answer.  The man smiles again.

"My name isn't Drake, but you can call me that." Drake paces in front of us, still smirking.

"I bet you are wondering why I know you are demigods,"  Drake says.  I honestly didn't care, but I couldn't tell him that.

"I have...powers,"  Drake's smirk is scaring me, and I start to cry again.

"I can track down anybody I want to.  I am, after all, the son of Hermes."  Drake is answered with a furious muffled yell from Percy.

"Some demigods have unnatural powers.  I am one of those.  Like Hades kids and shadow traveling.  Hephaestus kids and the fire from their hands.  I was born able to track down people.  I choose to know wherever demigods are."  Drake's smile fell.

", to warn you.  The only demigods I sense out of camp are on quests."  Borrow is the word he uses.  Not 'kidnap innocent children and tie them up in my basement.'

"You three are on a quest.  I do not approve of quests.  I used to go to Camp Half Blood, which is where I guess you go to.  I went on a quest with my best friend Dan and a satyr named Martin.  Dan was great, he was an Ares kid.

"So anyway, we went on a quest to find a camper who ran away.  He wasn't safe, and we were sent to find him.  So we did, but monsters found us.

"They took Dan."  Drake seems to actually be crying.  He sniffed and wiped his eyes.

"They ate him in front of me.  I swore to stop any other demigod from questing.  That includes you."  Drake points at each of us menacingly.

"So really, I am protecting you."  Drake sighs.

"I'm like a father, I know what is best for you."  Annabeth lets out a muffled yell.

I accidentally yawn, and my gag comes loose.  It doesn't fall off, but if I keep trying, it will!

"I will feed you, children.  Twice a day.  It is past your bedtime.  Sleep."  And with that, Drake left to go upstairs again.

As soon as he shuts the door, I work furiously on my gag.  Drake didn't tie it right, and I might have a chance!  I push out my tongue, open my mouth, push my lips out, I try everything I can do.

Finally, the top portion of the gag lowers, and I can talk a little.

"It is possible to get off."  I whisper to Annabeth and Percy.  They immediately start moving their mouths, and after seven minutes, they are released from the gags.

"I'm so sorry.  I was such a fool, how could I fall for that?"  Percy hangs his head in frustration.

"Not your fault.  All of us."  Annabeth's gag didn't fall down enough, it is kind of loose, but not enough to form complete sentences.

"Yeah.  She's right.  We should've known."  I say reassuringly to Percy.  I am situated on Percy's left, and Annabeth is on his right.

Percy turns his head a little to face me.

"Your first quest.  You weren't ready, I shouldn't have let you get put in this danger."  Percy sighs again.  I frown.

"If I wasn't qualified, Chiron wouldn't have allowed me to go."  I snap.  I am kind of offended, I have more magic than Percy does anyway.

"I didn't mean that.  I'm sorry."  Percy says.

I lean over and see Annabeth.  She is sleeping, her head tilted to the side, and she is snoring.  How can she sleep?!

I wiggle my arms a little, but I cannot free them.  I sigh.

As I turn back to Percy, I realize he has been staring at me.  I blush, but look right back into his eyes.

He has sea green eyes.  I'm actually jealous.  He smiles and stops looking at me.  I relax a little, then say,

"I am going to at least try to sleep.  I don't want to think anymore."  I say to Percy, who nods.

"Goodnight,"  He says.

"Goodnight."  I repeat.

And I fall asleep.


I wake up on a cloud, then correct my thoughts.  I am in a dream.  Why can I think so clearly?

Suddenly, a figure appears from the cloud.  It is a beautiful  woman with dark hair and gray-ish blue eyes.  She is stunning.  Her skin has no flaws, and it is tan.  She is wearing a lovely white dress.  She is flawless.

"Athena."  I say, gaping at how wonderful my mother is.  I can actually feel her kindness.

"My daughter, Ariana."  She smiles.

"How beautiful you look."  She examines me, and I wish I'd brushed my red hair.  I remember that I am kidnapped at the moment, and relax a little.

"Can you get me out of here?"  I feel a tear on my cheek, and Athena smiles sadly.

"Ariana, I am sorry.  But I myself cannot.  I know somebody who can, and he is on his way.  Have faith in me.  And please, listen to Annabeth.  Sister must look after each other, and she has been on quests, she knows how to take care of you.  I am glad that I could see you, but I am needed at Olympus.  Be safe, my daughter."

"Goodbye, Mom."  I call out to her as she vanishes.

I wake up to a blinding light.

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