Chapter 9

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Hi!  Its iheartmyfandoms.  I just wanted to make it clear that this story takes place right before The Last Olympian, and the war between Olympus and Kronos's army hasn't happened yet.  This story takes place after The Battle Of The Labrynth.

"So, this is L.A.?" I ask Percy and Annabeth after we get off the last bus.  After many days of taking various buses and eating at crappy fast food restaurants, I feel relived.  Sleeping on buses are not exactly the most comfortable thing in the world, and the bathrooms are not exactly clean on the buses.

"I guess..."  Annabeth sounds uncertain.  "Let me check...this doesn't remind me of L.A.."

Annabeth pulls out my map and I pull out my wand.  "Aguamenti." I mutter and point my wand at my hands.  You really don't know what you touch on those buses, and there is something sticky on my hands.

Now that we are off the bus and alone in what looks like an abandoned street, I look at my own cuts and point my wand at them.  "Episkey." I mumble, and the scrapes disappear on my cut up knee.  I look over at Percy, who is staring at my knee.

"That's cool." He whispers, obviously surprised at my spell.

I laugh and continue to heal my cuts.  Annabeth looks up from the map, a scowl on her face.  She runs over to the curb and kicks at the pavement.  I check our surroundings for people, but there is nothing but old, empty, run-down looking buildings on a dimly lit street.  Nobody is watching Annabeth's meltdown, and I don't dare say anything to upset her further.

"This is VEGAS!" She wails.  "Not L.A.!" Annabeth takes a seat on the sidewalk and I sit down next to her.

"What's wrong with Vegas?" I ask timidly.

"It's not L.A.!  It's far from it!  About 270 miles from it, about four hours away!" She complains. 

"So?  We can take a bus."  I say.

"No, no more buses.  This is the second time I have been on a vehicle with monsters coming on board.  No trains, no buses."  Annabeth sighs.

Percy turns his head, and squints his eyes as he looks off into the distance.

"Is that a parking lot?" Percy asks.

I look where Percy is pointing, and sure enough, there is a parking lot filled with expensive sport cars being parked by valets in tuxedoes.

"Yes, why?"  I ask.

"Well, I have an idea." Percy states, and I realize that he is not changing his mind about this idea.

Annabeth groans.

"Well, what is it?"

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