Chapter 8

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The train rocks back and forth on its tracks. Swaying slightly, I take a sit between Percy and Annabeth. Percy smiles at me. I smile back.

"So, if I'm correct, we should be headed this way?" Annabeth traces her finger on the map from where we are to L. A..

"Yup!" I say happily. My first quest!!!

"Then why are we headed this way?" Annabeth traces her finger from where we are to Maine.

"What?" I ask. "This doesn't make sense."

Percy jumps up and grabs his pen.

"They're here." He exclaims.

"What?" I jump to my feet and grab my wand.

Just as I get up, the harpy woman flies by the window. I immediately grab the seats. I feel the train shudder and shake. We rock back and forth heavily.

"EVERYBODY OUT!!!" Annabeth runs for the emergency door.

"I'll distract her!" Percy tells through the screech of the wheels slicing over the train tracks. Percy heads to the window and busts it open. The passengers on this train compartment run to the next.

The train is rocking more violently, and I am knocked off my feet.

"Help!!!" I scream as I slide around the compartment, desperately grabbing at the air.

"Gotcha!" Annabeth yells as she takes my hand and pulls me to a pole in the wall. We hold on to it.

"Percy! Hurry up!" I tell at Percy. He takes the pen and uncaps it. He uses his sword to bust open the window.

"AAARRR!" The harpy yells.

As the harpy flies by the broken window, I point my wand at it.

"CONFRINGO!!!" I yell. The harpy explodes, and the train skids to a halt as it slides off the tracks.


"At least it isn't the middle of nowhere," Percy sighs as we walk away from the train. We are in Greenwich, New York.

"Thank you guys." I say, relieved to be alive.

"I think we have you to thank." Percy says.

"That was amazing." Annabeth smiles.

"So, I'm guessing that we are taking a bus?" I ask, to hide my blush.

Percy smiles, as he does a lot.

"Looks like it." Percy says and I pull out my magical map.

We head to the nearest bus stop (which isn't over give minutes away) and wait for the bus.

Percy reaches over from his side of the bench and grabs my hand. I blush.

"I really do appreciate you saving us. That was really cool." Percy says.

From the other end of the bench, Annabeth smiles and rolls her eyes.

"Don't get sappy, Percy. We're here for one reason and only one reason: To save Mr. D." Annabeth scolds.

I laugh.

"Well, we have time before we save Mr. D. He never liked me anyways. He always called me Peter Johnson." Percy frowns. "I think once or twice he called me Percy."

"So Mr. D is the god of wine, Dionys-"

Annabeth cuts me off.

"Names have lots of power." She simply states.

"Okay." I say.

The bus pulls up, and we get on. We take the three seat in the back of the bus. I sit between Percy and Annabeth.

"Here we go!" I say enthusiastically.

Percy and Annabeth laugh and the bus starts up again.

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