Chapter 5

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The next morning, I am already packed. I've packed clothes, water, done food, and some tools like a compass, a magical map (given to me by Chiron, it shows how to get wherever you want), and some drachmas and U. S. dollars.

"Morning." Annabeth yawns, and her hair is messed up.

"Hi!" I say, much more awake than she. She gets up from her bed and I grab my bag. We head out the door of our cabin.

We eat a light lunch, then Percy meets up with us.

"I'm going to see the oracle." Percy declares, but his eyes ask for permission.

"Go on." I say, and smile as he runs off.

I turn to Annabeth.

"He is kind of cute, don't you think?" I ask, sounding not as vague as I thought in my head.

"Eh. He's not bad, but you can have him." Annabeth smiled mischievously.

I punch her lightly in the arm.

"By the way, what is our means of transportation?" I ask.

"Depends on what the oracle says." Annabeth replied.

Within 10 minutes, Percy is back.

"Well, get on with it, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth teases.

"So she said,

'The god of wine

Is trapped by one

Who is a brother

And also a son

Of Kronos

Who will take his lead

From the bottoms of nothingness

The wine god will plead.'"

Percy was met with silence.

"Well, one who is a brother and a son of Kronos is probably one of the big three, and the bottoms of nothingness are where Hades lives. So, a trip to the underworld?" Annabeth reasons.

"I'm in." I agree.

"Me too." Percy adds.

"Well then, lets be off." I say and we embark on our quest.

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