Chapter 7

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We arrived at the train station just in time.  Our train was due to leave in exactly fifteen minutes.  The station looked older than it was, then again I didn't know how old it was.  The movie posters had rips, the paint was peeling and chipping, and the cement floor was cracked in many different places. 

"Well, its old, but we're here, and we need a train." Annabeth says gloomily.

We buy tickets from an old lady in a ticket booth and wait for our train.  The ticket booth is about ten feet away from us and we are right by the train tracks.

"Where are you youngsters headed?"  The old lady asks us.  I hoist my backpack up higher on my shoulder.  I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Los Angeles.  We're...meeting friends."  Percy smiles at the old lady, but I notice him reach into his pocket and pull out a pen.

"That's too bad."  The old woman said, what did she mean?

"What are you talking about?"  Annabeth asks, bewildered at the old lady.

"You're never going to make it."  An evil grin spreads over her pale face.  Her long gray hair turns into gray feathers on her skin.

"Percy?!!"  I yell.  I watch helplessly as the old lady sprouts wings and a beak.  She makes a terrible bird call and flies out of the ticket booth.  Annabeth tries to beat her back into the ticket booth, but it is no use.  She knocks Annabeth against the wall and she slumps down, unmoving.

Percy uncaps his pen and it transforms into a sword.  I realize that I am absolutely helpless, i have no weapon.  Then I remembered.  I have a wand.

"REDUCTO!" I shout at the harpie's wings after I drew my wand.  Some feathers fall limply off her wing.  She laughs terribly.  Percy takes a slice at her stomach, but she dodges.  All of the sudden, she charges me with excellent speed.  I am knocked flat on the ground with her sharp claws on my neck.  I gasp for air as she completely holds my neck and squeezes.

"AAARRGGHH!!!'"  Percy yells and makes a furious stab at the harpie's legs.  He slices them clean off, but she just turns into dust.  Annabeth's eyes are open now, and she is taking a small sip from her thermos.  She instantly looks better. 

Percy caps his sword and runs over to check on me, after seeing that Annabeth is awake.  I sit up and immediatly regret it.  A searing hot pain stretches from my waist to my ribcage.  I lift up my shirt a little and see a huge, bloody cut on my stomach.  It stretched to my ribs.

Percy handed me a square of what looked like chocolate.  I ate it, and I felt better.

"Can I have more?" I ask.

"No, it is ambrosia, the food of the gods, it isn't meant for humans.  Our human side rejects it.  If you eat too much, we burn up."  Percy answers.

I am able to sit up, and I do.  We all stand and look around.  Our train has arrived.  I finally notice that we are the only ones at the train station.  Why didn't I notice that before?

"Let's not miss our train.  We already have had a rough start to the day."  Annabeth says.  We hop on the train.

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