Chapter 15

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            “No.  Way.”  I say as we enter D.O.A. recording studios.  Dead on Arrival.  Very clever, Hades.

            Percy, Annabeth and I have just walked into the D.O.A. recording studios when a woman walks up to us and hands us four pearls.

            “Looks like I’m not getting in,” She sobs, her brown messy hair clinging to her tear-stained face.  “You can have them.”  She runs out of the building, and I pass a pearl to Percy and Annabeth.  They look relieved, and I am grateful for that.  I keep the two pearls in my pocket.

            The room is terrible.  The walls and carpet are steel gray, and every black leather seat is filled with ghoulish people.

            “Are they alive?” I whisper to Percy, staring at the people.  They look all gray, their bodies and clothes only have shades of black and white.  They aren’t solid, they look transparent.  I shiver as Percy whispers back,

            “Most of them.  We aren’t.” I cringe.  These people all around me are dead.  Annabeth shudders, but walks to the front desk.

            “May I help you?” A man who is wearing a nice suit says to Annabeth without looking up from his list.  His bleached-blonde hair and dark skin make him look tough, but his black glasses make it worse.  He looks like he could everybody in the room with a snap of his fingers.  Wait, I think.  They’re all mostly dead.

            “Yes, we need to get to The Underworld.”  Annabeth says in a sweet voice, and the man frowns.

            “You look familiar.  What is your full name?”  The man asks.

            “I…um…”  Annabeth struggles, looking to recognize anybody in the room.

            She is not doing any good stammering.  I walk up to the desk confidently with Percy right behind me.

            “How dare you?!”  I say in a mock outraged voice to the man.  He raises his eyebrows, and I continue speaking.

            “How dare you not recognize me?  This is an outrage!  I demand to know your name.”  I order.

            “My name is Charon, and I do not like your attitude, miss.”  Charon says in a stern voice.

            “My attitude?!!” I screech.  “You’re the one who doesn’t recognize me!  Toby, tell this stupid man who I am.”  I say and Charon’s attention turns to Toby, or Percy.

            “Yeah, uh, she is the princess of Albania.  She has a scheduled appointment with Hades.  You dare not let a princess in?”  Percy, I mean Toby, asks.

            “Yeah, and I’m the queen of Sheba.”  Charon says sarcastically.  “I want evidence, Princess.  I didn’t even know Albania had a princess.”  Charon says, and I see Percy, or Toby, panicking.  I smile and pull out my map.

            “You want Princess?  I can show you princess.”  I say and point my wand at the map.  After a couple of harmless charms, the image on the map is now me, wearing a pink dress and tiara, shaking hands with the president.

            Charon stammer and open and shuts his mouth. I glare at him.

            “You dare not let me in, I ask?  I will inform Hades about this if you do not let me go to my appointment!  I’m running late, you fool!”  I yell, and a little dead girl sitting on the couch covers her ears.  I lower my voice and speak again.

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