Chapter 4

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I've been here since I was 12. I understand that somehow, I will be the biggest part of a prophecy, but there is no use in worrying about tomorrow. Live in the moment, I guess, but everyone knows that is hard.

Oh, and archery? I'm a lot better at that then I was when I first came here. My Athena cabin mates accepted me as soon as Annabeth did. Annabeth is really respected, I'm sure she has been here for a while.

There are lots of nice people. One of my good Aphrodite friends is Silena Beauregard, she is more than just a pretty face. We meet up in the afternoon at sword combat, while Annabeth is taking Weapons with a Poseidon boy, Percy Jackson. He is alright.

But everybody knows about The Great Prophecy, as well as mine. Percy is either really good or really bad news. Like me, I guess. One day, I come up to him (I have no problem talking to strangers whatsoever. What he do, kill me?).

"Hi Percy. I'm Ariana." I say as I catch up to him as we are walking to dinner.

"I know." He says, then blushes.

"I mean, everybody knows who you're kind of a big deal." I stop at his words and put my hands on my hips. I raise my eyebrows.

"Me? What about you...Mr. Great-Prophecy-Might-Even-Destroy-Olympus?" He laughs.

"Fair enough, I was trying to be modest, but oh well."

I smile.

"Looks like we have more in common then we think." I say as I release my ponytail. I'm suddenly self conscious, shouldn't I look a little nicer in the presence of a hero? Then I remember, he is just the same as I.

"I guess we do." He smiles.

"Don't you take Battle Skills after lunch?" I ask, remembering him in my class.

"Um...yes." He says as we reach the dining area.

"I'll see you tomorrow after lunch, then." I say, as I head to my own table. Percy is good-looking. I smile at myself, what silly thoughts I have!

After dinner, Chiron calls the whole camp to the campfire for a meeting.

We all settle down, and I sit between Annabeth and Percy, with Silena on Annabeth's left. Percy is on my right.

"Look, I called this meeting because of an emergency." Everyone exchanges worried glances with their friends.

"Mr. D has been kidnapped. He is being held for random, and he cannot escape. We need heroes...a quest has arisen." The campers gasped.

"Now, I know who I want on the quest. I would like Percy Jackson to go. I would like Annabeth to go, and I would like Ariana to go." I am shocked as Chiron says my name. I am going on a quest.

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