Your secret talent part 2

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A/n- here's the rest of the boys!

Steve- Animals. You had always been extremely good with animals, no matter what kind of animal you came across they usually were fond of you. You took in strays all the time nursing them back to health and finding them good homes. Steve was always amazed how animals were immediately comfortable after first meeting you, and he even brought you home a little black lab as a surprise.

Ponyboy- Acting. Before you even knew Ponyboy, you were at a play audition for Romeo and Juliet. You were auditioning for the role of Juliet, and Ponyboy was there supporting a few of his buddies. Once you got onto the stage everybody in the theatre was absolutely speechless at the emotion and concentration you put forth into the character you were portraying. You were a phenomenal actress, and even though Ponyboy hadn't planned on auditioning he knew he needed to try and get the part for Romeo so he'd get the chance to meet you.

Dally- Photography. You had always taken pictures of the gang, and other things like the stars or the sunset. Little did Dallas know when he was deeply invested in conversations with the gang you'd capture the moments he was smiling with your camera. When you finally showed him he was a little bit surprised because you could capture a side of him that he didn't show often. He also began to appreciate the stars and the sunset once he saw your snapshots that captured the raw beauty of nature.

Sodapop- Writing. Usually Soda would never think to open up a book and start reading it. He never really enjoyed reading, until he read the stories you had written. They were so interesting, and left him always wanting more and they didn't bore him to death like anything else he had ever read. Soda Pop began to read more and more of your stories because he loved how adventurous and exciting they were.

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