Chapter 24

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You hadn't spoken to SpringTrap since the night he had playfully said he would 'get revenge'. That had been several months ago, and now you were worried sick about him. You had decided you had waited long enough, and were going to search for him.

After a long and tiring day of searching you found nothing. Even the owners of the attraction realized he was missing. So you became the main attraction.

The next day you decided to look for SpringTrap once again. It pained you not to be with him, and as you searched tears came to your eyes. But you pushed those feelings away, knowing how important it was to find him.

When you've almost given up hope, you come across a locked door. The doors were almost NEVER locked, so this piqued your interest. You ended up breaking through the old wooden door, the wood splintering. You shook off the wood pieces that clung to you, and charged forwards into the darkness.
You were walking down a narrow hallway that seemed to go on for miles. As you were about to give up hope and turn around, the hallway opened up into a small, dimly lit room. Strange, you thought, for you had never heard or seen of this secret room before. As you slowly approached the inside you could feel something was wrong. The sharp tang of metallic blood hit your nose, so strong you could almost taste it. The smell of oil was also very overpowering here. You could see SpringTrap, limp against the ground, blood leaking out of his suit. But SpringTrap was a animatronic, not capable of bleeding. So you decided to take his suit off of him, and as you did you had to restrain yourself from gagging. A dead human corpse was inside him, and his body was strangely purple, possibly from how he died or how long his body had been rotting. The man's eyes were glazed over in fear, as if not knowing he was going to die. You realized that SpringTrap would never be able to function again, for his damage couldn't be reserved. And even if he could be repaired he wouldn't be the same. You held back your sobs in efforts to explore the rest of the room. In the far corner opposite of where SpringTrap lay, four empty animatic suits slumped against the wall. You recognized them almost instantly. Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica. The original animatronics of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. How and why were they here? The owners of Fazbear's fright had been looking for the original suits for years, and they were right under their noses. How could they not know of this room? Or the horrible tragedy that took place here?
You finally let yourself break down, sobbing and curling up next to SpringTrap. You would never know exactly what happened, but you know you would never see SpringTrap again. Ever.

SpringTrap X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now