day three

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PLAY MUSIC: We are in the car when we saw i kid run. So fast and we followed her and we saw that she was running to a house and then turned a round and ran to the car and came in. She said help my parents are after. Her name was Izzy. An old friend of my. We traveled about 1,300 miles then I pulled over and i filled the car with gas. Then they walked in place. Then we had breakfast. I was like the lead of the group. But i don't care i just want my mommy and daddy back! So me, my 2 brothers, Lilly, jack, and Izzy had so donuts. Then we traveled some more. I was so bored. So we had to come by some stores and i got a new hair cut and i bigger knife for safety. They got some to but i had to hold my little brothers. So we traveled some more and more and more. Then we found a playground. I pulled over and said that we are taking a break from driving and we are going to play at the park. I looked around to see if anyone was here. But no one was there. So we played a game or two and then had some lunch. Then we went back in the car and drove to a house and i went to see if someone was in there and no one was there. So we stayed there for the night. I didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. I missed my mom and dad. I sat down at the table and read a book. Then i looked up and the sky was blue again. It was so pretty like how it is always. I looked at my phone and 12 messages. My friends are still out there. I had to look for them but not now later in the morning. 12 messages saying are u okay please be okay. That is what the messages said. I didn't want to sleep but i needed to sleep. So i went to lay down with my little brothers when i heared a long knock. I looked and i saw a little girl banging on the door. I opened it and she ran behind me and i locked the door and put a chair in front of the door. I asked if see was okay. She said "yes but it is dark and i am scared." she was so scarce and i gave her food and she took a nap and then i went to sleep. Sad and missing my mom and dad.

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