Day 15

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PLAY MUSIC: (song is dum dee dum)
Today is the 15th day, and we have so much information about the masters. So that day i had my change of what i looked like. So no one knew who i was but the people in the group. And this is what i look like now.

it was getting close to when school usually to start

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it was getting close to when school usually to start. So i wanted the younger kids to be teach. So i started to build a school house. So i asked for some help building from everyone and here are they people who helped Kendall, Izzy, Azure, Cassie, Slater, Jake, Little Abby, and my 2 brothers helped too. We started to get to work when i got a call about a kid. "Hello this is Donna!" "Miss we got a kid, west from the mall!" "Okay!" "he or she is in the bank!" "okay what floor?" "The first floor, and it is hiding in the bathroom!" "Okay on my way! Hey guys i will be right back, group B follow me we got a call!" Me and group be got in the cars and started to drive to the bank! On they way I thought about how long we had to live like this. I believe 15 days and 15 night's. Wow and look about who much we changed. But as soon we got in the car we were at the bank! We got out and i called in. "Okay Jenny you are our eyes now!" "Okay miss walk north⬆." "Okay Jenny!" "Okay you are right next to where he or she is!" "okay!" *knocks on door* "Hello this is a Kid. We are here to help you!" "Hello, plz help i am super scared!" "Okay open the door!" "Okay!" "she opened the door and had a cut on her arms. Not bad ones but it looks like she meet the red parents. "Plz help me i was attacked. " "we will come in the car and we will fix you up." "Okay!" on our way back i found out her name. Her name is Rosie. She is 10 years old and she lost her mom and dad(they are not dead they are just mind Zombies) and she ran into the red parents and they tried to hurt her but they only got a cut on her arms. When it all happened she said her sky was blue. When we got back home i fixed her up. I covered her cuts, gave her new clothes, gave her a bed, and gave her food. Then when she felt like she was safe. I went back to work. The school house was done in 3 hours and then it was dinner time. We all ate after the little ones and chatted and joked around. It felt like the old times. It was great. Like in the movie Zombieland , you have to enjoy the little things. After everyone was in bed me, Kendall, Izzy, Azure, Cassie, and Slater had a meeting. "Kendall can you tell them what you told me." "yes!" *she tells story blah blah blah* "Wow more than one master!" "and Kendall was one of them!" "Kendall how can we trust you then!" "Guys she just told us a big piece of evidence!" "Miss tell them about what else i told you!" "Why don't you Kendall!" "Guys and she also said that the masters have a plan to make the hole United States like this!" "Oh no!" "Why did you guys do this!" "i didn't i was made into one of them! They made me think parents were they bad guys!" "oh!" "Guys it is getting late lets go to bed!" "ya night guys!" "night!"

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