day four

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PLAY MUSIC: We were sleeping when i heard i bang at the door. I looked and told everyone to hide. I went to the door and it was a parent. I just looked at me. Then it came my way. It was scary. So i looked out to other window and there was a parent we were surround with parents. So I got everyone and got lots of food and we hid in a closet for i believe 2 days and 1 night. I came out and looked out the window and i saw a man that was telling the parents what to do. I said to myself " that is there master." i was scared so i ran back in the closet for 1 more night. They were goon. We ran to the car and got out of there. I had no idea what was going to happen next. I saw a girl surround by parents. My friend said " should we help her?" i hit her and we graded her and we drived as fast we could out of there. I just want to family be continued Hey guys dj Guardian angel queen here and i have some news i am having a Comption for you guys. So all u have to do is comment down a subject for a story and the best subject wins bye music notes

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