Day 17/no home/new guy

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"Miss we did a new place to stay!" "Why we have plenty  of space!" "No we don't!" "Fine search for a base that can hold more than 99 kids!" "Yes Miss!" *5 MINUTES  LATER* "miss we found the perfect  place!" "Then what are ylwe waiting for let's go!" After moving all of are things there a looking for parents  we move the kids in. After getting everything  done. We got a call for a kid in a hut by the sea. So when we got there he was standing there looking at us and said "hello!" "Hi we are here to bring you to safety!" "Or is it the other way around! " "What?" "I know how to beat the master. Would you like to know!" "I................TO BE COUNTUED........HEY GUYS THIS IS THE END OF WORLD WITHOUT PARENTS AND I AM MAKING A NUMBER TWO. SO LOOK OUT FOR THAT BOOK AND SEE YOU THERE

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