Day seven

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PLAY MUSIC: On the Seventh day we found 3 kids and they join our group. I let them join i changed into the leader and everyone looked up to me and i knew they believed in me. So we all were changing into some clothes we found when i got a phone call from an old friend. Her name is Hailee she said she was so happy to hear me and where is was and if i was okay. I said "i am okay and where are you i will come get u." "i am outside your house." "okay come in." "okay." she came in and we both cried when we saw each other. I looked very different from the last rime we saw each other. It was night time and then that is when i told everyone what's going to happen." Everyone quiet down. We had lived thought this for 7 days and we have survived and you guys made me the leader of our group. So today is Surviver day. Our day and everyone is okay. We have to save our parents before something bad happens to all of us." someone from the back says" what happens if we can't help?" "We will. We mit be small but we are strong. I believe in all of you to fight and help everyone and find out who the master is." (everyone starts to cheer) i looked at everyone and started to cry then i said" people of our group i am Donna Ann Cynthia Lewis. Your leader. I am here if you need help and i am starting a hunt for all of the kids out there. When the sun rises we go out of our base and find all of the kids out there and help them now lights out."

At the masters house:
"Where are all of the kids? You all failed me
Team red i want you to go find kids in the morning and you better find them or else."
Back at the base:
I was awake when i got a Chill up my back and i knew something was going to happen but what was it? I got ready for what was going to happen tomorrow i the morning. We will find all the kids and save them and we will not stop until we do and if it is the last thing i do well at least i die happy!

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