day five

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Play music: So we have been out in a car for i um i don't know. I just can't wait for this to be over. So today we went to a car place and got new tires for the car. Then we drove a little and then i saw something that made me cry me eyes out. My house. Still standing so we went to my house and got a few things and camped out there for a few days. My friend Izzy asked me why did this happen? I asked in a way that i didn't want to say" i don't know why this happened or who did this but i just want my mom and dad back and i want my old life back! This is not okay. I just want this dream to be over!" I said in a mad and sad voice. She said back "I know you are sad but we got to.." "got to what? Live and kill our parents so we can say i love u for the last time before they change back. Izzy this is war our parents are..." *she hugs me* " Donna it is going to be okay we need to not get mad." " I am sorry Izzy but i can't live with myself. I have to save my parents." We talked for a little bit and she went to take a nap. I just looked in the world. My little brother came up to me and asked" Donna why are you crying?" "little buddy i don't know why but i just miss mom and dad." he started crying so i made him take a nap. I was sitting in a chair and checked my phone. 1 message from my friend Emma saying "Donna if you are still out there i am in Walmart so plz help me!" She was still out there. I most say her before it is to late.......

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