Day eight

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PLAY MUSIC: it was the 8th day and we were on our way to find the master and kids that need help. We hid in the shadows. Izzy was the one with the bow and was the one who told me if there was a parent. Emma was the one to tell me if there is a kid in danger. Lilly was the one to take care of the young ones. All the other ones help me and Izzy and Emma find kids and the master.
Okay parents today you will find me kids and you will not come back if you don't find any.
Back with the kids:
How are we going to do?i thought that. I knew something was going to happened. So i took the back of the group to protect them and i thought what i would be like in the masters house and how the parents would be like after we save them. "PARENTS!" i heared i told everyone to hide in the car. I took my weapon and took my ground. Looking right at them. They didn't move and just looked at me. Than i took the first step and ran to the car and went back to base. We saved 9 kids that day and that night we feed all of them and i started to day dream about when we save our parents.
The day would be warm and the master would be in jail. I would be loved by my mom and dad again. I would be hugging them and crying with my two brothers hugging them too. I would always be happy and every kid would be kids and we will be super strong and loved by all.
But that was just a day dream. Not in real life. I wish it was real life and i would have my mom and dad with me and my brothers. Why did this happen to us. Why did our parents try to attack us. In our group we have 8 younger kids and 10 older kids that had groups to protect the younger kids. We need to protect the little kids or we will all feel really bad but it. We have to protect every kid in the world. But now we were running out of things. Food, water, soap, clothes, and shoes. We needed to find more things but where........TO BE CONTINUE

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