Day 14/finding out who is master

16 3 0

PLAY MUSIC: (song is Loud pipes)
I woke up really early, i have no idea why. So i went to see if anyone was awake too. One of the researchers was awake. "Hello miss, why are you up so late?" "Hello and i don't know? How is the research?" "It is okay." "Any parents?" "Not yet miss but i think you should watch what we got on our camera last night!" *plays video*( All right parents on the 16 day we will attack this place!" "Yes master!" "who goes there! Hello i see you who are you!" " Now boy i am the master of the parents and i will attack this place at the 16 day and if you don't tell your leader i will not kill you." "why did you....?" "Did what made all the parents evil. I did that so i could rule the world!!!" "But why?" "Because i always wanted to rule the world. My parents said no i could never rule. It was my dream as a kid and now my dream came true and your leader is going to pay for helping you kids. I want the kids to be happy for having no parents and now the miss there parents." "We need them!" "No we don't. Now don't forget boy. We will be back to attack on the 16." *video ends* "Miss are you okay?" "yes when that guard wakes up tell him i need to talk to him!" "Yes miss!" when it was morning time the researcher did what i asked her. "Hello miss, what do you need?" "who were you talking to in this video?" *shows video* "Miss i am sorry for not telling but." "But what you should have told me!" "I know but miss i know who it was." "Who plz tell me who!" "it was Kendall!" "Kendall, i will talk with her. Thank you for your help!" "Your welcome miss." *has all call* (Kendall come to my room!asp) "Yes miss you called!" "You are in big trouble!" "what did i do?"*she gives me a evil look* "Guards hold her down!" "yes miss!" "You found out but we know all of your weaknesses, and we will still attack!" "No you will not, Tell me how to fix our parents!" "we don't need them! Don't you see!" "Guards make her talk!" "Yes miss!" *they tie her to a chair* "TALK NOW KENDALL!!!!" "never, i will never talk! I would die then to tell you!" "You will stay there with no food!" "OK whatever!" "Kendall tell me now!" "never, the only way to save the parents are... Never mind!" "Kendall you are going to stay there all night!" "okay i don't care!" We get ready for bed and i go to see her. "You ready to talk yet!" "Never but plz just hear me. Parents make your dreams disappear!" "NO THEY DON'T THEY MAKE THEM COME TRUE!!!" "Why do you try, parents are....." "Shut up! Parents are the best thing that kids have! They are the ones that took care of us when we were babies, they feed us, they are the ones that keep us out of trouble!" "wow i never knew but hear me there are more masters!" "what!?!!" "Yes there are more master, i am the new master, they use mind games to trick you in being a master!" "are you telling the truth!?!" "i am connected to a lie thing!" "You are not lieing!" "we are force to say bad things, if we don't we will die!" "how?" *she shows me the thing in her neck* "they put it in your neck when they get you!" "can i take it out!" "ya it is really easy to get out!" "but promise me that you will help us if i take that out and untie you!" "I promise now get it out!" *i take out the thing and untie her* "Thank you!" "your neck, it is bleeding!" "oh it is!" "ya here let me fix it up!" After i fixed her up she gave me a big hug and we talked about a new plan to help the parents. I gave her food and we both talked. "So what is the plan!" "i don't know but i need help to think of one!" "i can help? If you want!" "okay what is the plan." "i will tell you tomorrow it is getting late!" "okay good night Kendall!" "Good night Donna..i mean miss!" HEY GUYS GUARDIAN HERE AND THIS WAS AN IMPORTANT CHAPTER BECAUSE KENDALL GAVE US A LOT OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE MASTERS SO HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER AND HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE FUN HEADING IT BYE GUYS!!!!!

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