Chapter 4 :

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"So tired..." I mumbled, getting out of my seat. Laughing all the time sure took a lot out of you. Rubbing my eyes, I gathered my textbooks.
Maybe being scary wasn't the exact dream life, especially in a fierce condition like high school. The first few hours had been pretty nice, but after having the teacher ignore my questions for the entire day, it was almost impossible to get anything done.
Plus, how did Umehito survive this bloody outfit? By lunch I was sweating buckets, completely derived of fluids.
Which only made my skin pale, which made me look scarier, which made the lunch lady scream in my face. Not fun.
When I went to buy a drink from the vending machine after suffering the "lunch lady incident", I drank it all thirstily. After trodding back to the cafeteria, I found the lunchroom eerily quiet.
Sensing something was wrong; I saw that the lunch lady had fell face first on the floor, after slipping on spilled milk.
Knowing that everyone blamed me, I quickly made my way out of there, ignoring the frightened faces of all the students that I passed.
This was getting a tiny bit annoying. Just a little.
Bumping into someone, I raised my head, preparing my fiercest glare, when I saw Umehito looking rather shocked at me.
"Wow, you've got the look down pat." He smiled a little.
"How the hell do you manage this life?" I began to complain.
"Tough first day? Come on, there's too much light here." Umehito led me to his clubhouse, empty except for the two of us.
"Umehito..." I complained like a child, whining about even the little things.
"You'll get used to it." Was his only answer when I finished.
"But I don't want to!" I whined.
"You really don't have a choice." He pointed out.
"Whatever, but it still isn't fun." I pouted.
"You're acting like a spoiled child."
"So what?" I crossed my arms.
"I don't like spoiled kids." He said bluntly.
"If you ask me, that little sister of yours is pretty spoiled."
"That's different. Kirimi is... special."
"Of course she is." I rolled my eyes. I should've known better than to criticize Umehito's perfect little sister whom he adored.
"Anyway, you chose to become scary. It's your entire fault, really."
"Shut up. I was trying to forget that part."
"Sorry." Umehito sighed, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Umehito!" I gasped. "Could it be in all these years that we've been out of touch you've possibly grown what is commonly known as a... backbone?" I covered my mouth with my hands. "Unbelievable!"
"Shut up."
"Who could have possibly influenced you to become this way?"
"No one."
"A girl, perhaps?" I grinned as he blushed. "Who is it? Who is it?"
"Her name is Houshakuji Renge..." He mumbled softly.
"Good job! You've finally got yourself someone who isn't scared of you!"
"In actual fact, she's the one that scares me..."
"Holy crap Umehito, I didn't know you liked Sadists!" I faked shock horror.
"It's nothing! We are nothing!" He blushed, waving his hands about.
"Che. How boring." I sighed as the bell rang. "Well, nice talking to you!"
"Bye." He mumbled. Grinning, I survived the rest of the day. Humming softly, I made my way slowly to the Host Club.
I was slowly moving towards Hunny's table. When I got there, Hunny greeted me with a cute smile and I gladly sat down.
"Good afternoon Rin-chan!" Hunny smiled, some cake on his cheek.
"Kekekekeke, Wonderful day, is it not?"
"Wah, Rin-chan, you're kind of different today..." Hunny tilted his head. Suddenly, Tamaki jumped in between us.
"Hunny-senpai! Be careful, she's going to curse you! Oh, and conversing with the enemy is bad!" Tamaki covered Hunny while still trying to stay as far from me as possible.
"Kekekeke, don't worry Tamaki-chan, this is just an act." I told them of my reasoning.
"Wah, Rin-chan's so good at acting!" Hunny gasped. Tamaki was still doubtful.
"Well, I am a member of the Zuka Club... Kekekekeke..." I smiled a little.
"That's right, I almost forgot!" Tamaki held out a rolled up piece of paper. I took it cautiously, unrolling it slowly. On the top in big bold letters read Letter of War. Skimming through it, I noticed Tamaki had signed his name at the bottom.
"Kekekekeke..." I laughed as I tore out the part around his name. "Now I have a signature of Tamaki-chan..." I stored in my pocket.
"Wh-what are you going to do with that?" Tamaki started inching away.
"It's a secret." I put one finger to my lips. "Tamaki-chan."
"D-don't call me that!" He shuddered.
"I'm afraid I am incapable of following your request." I smiled sweetly.
"Protect yourself, my daughter!" He ran off.
"Nothing can help you now..." I wrote on the back of the letter of war.
"Rin-chan, I thought you said that you didn't know how to perform curses."
"I don't." Shrugging, I rolled the parchment back up.
"But you took Tama-chan's signature." Hunny looked confused.
"Hmm, Tama-chan, that nickname's not bad either..." I muttered to myself. "I'm not going to curse Tamaki-chan, I can promise you that." I told Hunny.
"Then what do you need his signature for?"
"Like I said, it's a secret." I smiled.
"Aww, Rin-chan won't tell me her secret! Takashi wants to know too, right?"
"Oh, right." I turned to Mori. "Good afternoon!" He nodded in return.
"But Rin-chan, you shouldn't always tease Tama-chan, it's not nice." Hunny said seriously. Looking into his big honey-coloured eyes, I melted.
"Alright, I won't make fun of him anymore." I grumbled.
"Yay! Now, what would Rin-chan like to drink?" Hunny smiled, moving on.
"You mean I get to choose?" This Host Club was crazy.
"Yup!" Hunny leaned forward, his big eyes shining, so close to my face.
"Uh..." I was sweating. He was too damn cute!
"What do you want?" He asked, not moving.
"Hunny..." Bloody Hell. Me and my big, fat mouth. What the hell caused that to happen? I desperately tried to think up an excuse.
"Hmm?" Hunny was still as close as ever, if not more so.
"Ah..." I scrambled for a name. "Honey-Lemon Tea."
"Ah, I'll go get it!" Getting out of his seat, Hunny ran to the kitchen. Sighing in relief, I looked around. Crap. Mori saw the whole freaking thing.
"Ah, Mori-senpai?" I cringed when he turned his stoic face around.
"Yes?" His deep voice rumbled.
"Could you maybe, not tell anyone about what just happened?" I bit my lip. When I thought all hope was lost, I caught a glimpse of a tiny smile playing on his lips. Tiny, but there nonetheless. I smiled back at him, brightness 100%.
"Rin-chan!" A high voice called out. I turned to see Hunny rushing back with a jug and some cups. Smiling at me, he poured a yellowy liquid out.
"Is this it?" He asked me hopefully. I raised the cup to my lips, and closed my eyes as I opened my lips to taste the drink.
Surprised, I relaxed my muscles and sat a little farther into my chair. The sweet yet slightly bitter taste was great. I had never tasted anything quite like it. It seemed to make me relax, calm down and think soothing thoughts.
Opening my eyes a crack, I saw Hunny happily chomping down on a piece of blueberry cheesecake. Watching both of us carefully, Mori had that almost undetectable smile on again.
Mmm, I think I could get used to Honey-Lemon Tea, I thought, closing my eyes again. Especially with company like this.
Mi-chan has nothing to say today.
Mi-chan ✌🏼️💋

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