Chapter 15:

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I opened my eyes and looked around blearily. Everywhere ached. I blinked rapidly as I stretched. Well, that would be the last I would ever consider sleeping in a storage room.
"Okay." I whispered as I heard footsteps come near.
"Miss?" He came in, and I flung myself at him.
"I'm so sorry, Mister! I don't know what came over me!" I begged as tears flowed down my face.
"No... that's okay..." I kept on crying and begging until his buddies started to urge him to let me go.
Hah. Men are such suckers.
After I left, I quickly wiped my tears away, knowing they hadn't made my eyes red. I was just too good for that to happen.
I looked up at the blue sky with the sun shining brightly down on me. The hippie feeling was coming back, and I really didn't mind.
That is, until I came back to the dormitories. There seemed to be a ruckus around there, with a whole circle of people arguing.
"There she is!" My mouth dropped open as a bunch of girls started shouting angrily at me.
"What?" I looked around, seeing a bunch of angry fangirls and a very disappointed Host Club.
"You bitch!" People started pulling at me and I looked desperately at Hunny for help.
My heart froze.
That person... he couldn't be Hunny... right?
He wasn't smiling, his eyes weren't full of tears or hurt or something like that.
He was scowling, and he was scowling right at me. My heart got stuck in my throat.
The tugs at my hair became so that I couldn't feel them anymore, the screaming curses I couldn't hear anymore.
Everything seemed to disappear except his eyes, staring right at me.
"What... what's going on?" I managed to croak out.
"Oh, don't pretend you don't know!" I heard one girl say.
"Please... someone tell me what the hell is going on!" I forced out.
"Let's have some silence." Tamaki stepped forward, his eyes cold as ice.
"Is this yours?" He held out a phone.
"Yes! I thought I dropped it yesterday!" I grabbed it. I heard a bunch of girls gasp.
"You mean in Hunny-senpai's mansion?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"What are you talking about?" I couldn't help but feel lost.
"You broke into their mansion, and threatened the servants with violence to lead you to Haruhi's room so you could kidnap him!" He thundered.
"You left that on the floor after you ran away when the guards came." He pointed at my cell phone.
"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about." My chest was heaving.
"Then how do you explain all these cuts? The servants said you jumped through a window, and these look very new to me!" He held up my arm.
"I swear, these weren't from jumping through a window!" I tried to take my arm back.
"Where were you last night?" He glared.
"I..." I couldn't tell them that I freaked out and was locked in a storage room all night. "I..."
"Exactly. No one saw you after you left the hospital."
"That's not true!" I all but screamed. "Sakura drove me back to the school! She'll tell you the truth!" I looked around, spotting her. "Sakura! Say something!"
"Um... my name's Tetsuma Karin." She backed up slightly.
I was hit with the truth. Hard. Opening and closing my mouth, I couldn't make any sounds come out.
"Leave. You are now expelled." Tamaki flung a suitcase at me.
"This is a misunderstanding!" I cried, only to be pushed down onto the ground by the other girls.
"Please! Hunny!" I shouted, my vision getting clouded with tears. Real tears this time. Genuine, real, painful tears.
"I didn't even know Haruhi was staying with Hunny!" I screamed for a long time. Shouting nonsense, I was still sitting there on the ground, blathering with tears streaming down my face long after they had left.
"Believe me..." I choked.
The sun shined down during it all, as if to mock me. And believe me (I'm beginning to think no one will), I was not feeling hippie-ish.
A mixture of feeling swelled up and took place in my chest.
And most of all, anger.
I hadn't even thought about Sakura – no, Karin, would pull such a scheme on me.
I had trusted her.
I had told her everything.
My eyes widened as I remembered telling her about how I left my cell phone in the hospital, how she just seemed to know where I lived, how I heard a faint chuckling during the fly incident...
My head swirled as I sat there.
"Um... Kousuke-san?" I looked up to see Hunny approaching me.
"Hunny! You believe me, right?" I begged.
"I'm sorry, but these are private grounds. If you aren't a student at Ouran Academy, then you have no business being on our grounds. Please leave before we resort to force." He stated with an emotionless voice. "Also, we are inclined to say that it would be a great help if you never showed your face around here again." And with that, he left.
"Yeah. Okay." I replied to his retreating back. "I'll do that." I stood up numbly, and lugged my suitcase off of the campus.
My mind was literally blank. I didn't hear, see, or feel anything. Walking aimlessly, I found myself buying a train ticket.
Before I knew it, it was midnight, and the train conductor kicked me off.
Where the hell was I? I looked around, expressionless.
I almost laughed. Standing in front of the train station was a huge, blossoming Sakura (cherry blossom) tree.
Back in the Present
"And that's it." I looked down into my lap.
"Wow." Ronald sighed.
"I need to get some things straight." He scratched his head.
"I know. This is one messed-up story." I replied glumly. "Ask away."
"Why was Haruhi at Hunny's house?"
"I don't know. Probably so the fangirls wouldn't attack her."
"Well then, did you ever hear from them ever again?"
"Where did you spend the night after that?" He continued to ask.
"I phoned my parents, the only ones who believed me, and they helped me run off to England."
"England." I bit my lip. "England, where no one knew or cared who I was. Where I had to slowly build up a new life with a new language." I laughed bitterly. "Guess what, I even changed my name."
"Yeah. It's Joy. Right after I got to England I filed all my papers with that name. Irony is golden."
"So... do you feel better after all these years?"
"Yeah. I was just getting over it, when some bastard made me dig up all those memories again." I glared at Ronald.
"I'm glad you're back to the Rin who couldn't care less about my feelings." Ronald laughed.
"I guess you're stuck with me now. That is, unless you kill me, I kill you, or you let me go." I smiled. "I vote for the second one."
"Aren't you craving for revenge?" He looked at me seriously.
"Hey." I grinned. "Why the fuck do you think I came back?"
"Anything I can do for you?"
"I didn't know you wanted to be a part of this, my lovely kidnapper." I cooed.
"A man's got to do what's right."
"Don't make me laugh. You are the last person to talk about morals."
"Not this again." He put his head in his hands.
"Tell you what. I need 4 favours." I showed him four fingers.
"Which are...?"
"One, let me stay with you for a while."
"Two, I don't care how, convince your supervisor to let me live a bit longer."
"Three, fucking track down the following names: Tetsuma Karin and Haninozuka Mitsukuni."
"Thanks for giving me such an easy task."
"And lastly, buy some more damn Mocha ice cream!"
"You finished the whole thing?" He leaped up.
"Yup. Here you go." I handed him the empty bucket and sauntered off. "Now, where do I sleep?"
"Hey! You're going into my bedroom!" He yelled.
"Your point?" I slipped into the room and shut the door. "Goodnight, Ronald!"
"Jesus Christ." He mumbled.
"Ronald!" I swung open the door. "What the fuck are you thinking? Did your mother never teach you fucking manners? Don't swear, asshole! If I ever hear another curse leave your god damn mouth I will fucking cut your tongue off!"
"You are a real class act." He smiled.
"Thanks." I paused. "Oh, and Ronald sweetie?"
"Yes?" He anxiously replied, making a face at the nickname.
"Be a dear and buy me some clothes.

Mi-chan wants to say something.
Everything just changed right now from Usa-chan cute to Yuno from Mirai Nikki crazy.

Mi-chan 💋

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