Chapter 11:

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Chapter 11:

Rin's pov:

Oh god. Why the fuck was that bastard Hiro here? If anything, it only complicated things. Now, I had even less chances of talking to Haruhi, even less privacy with Hunny, and I had to deal with that murderous puppy-dog face all day.
As if I didn't get enough of him in junior high.
What did I do wrong? Was it the late-night voodoo sessions? Surely that couldn't have led to bad karma.
I only 'operated' on those annoying fangirls of Hunny, that damn bunny and that bastard Ronald.
And it wasn't even anything major. Just a few (dozen) pins stuck in random places. You could hardly call that mean.
I left the Host Club gloomily, deeply immersed in my thoughts.
"Rin. How was the trip?" I heard a familiar voice.
"Umehito?" I smiled.
"Hey." He popped out of nowhere.
"It was really good. How have you been doing?"
"Not bad either."
"So, any progress with this 'Renge' girl?" I caught him blushing.
"What do you mean?"
"Aw, forget it. I don't want to ruin your innocent love."
"We're not a couple!" Umehito protested.
"Say all you want. You know how much I listen when I'm not interested."
"Really, Rin. You need to get yourself a boyfriend."
"And why is that?" I quirked an eyebrow.
"So you can stop minding other people's business and focus on that guy."
"Psh." We came to the main entrance. "Bye, Umehito."
"See you around." He smiled before exiting and leaving me to walking to the dorms by myself. Or at least, what would've been a walk to the dorms y myself.
I was thinking if Hunny counted as a boyfriend when I heard that sickingly annoying voice calling out to me.
"R-I-N!" I stiffened as I heard running footsteps behind me.
"Hiro... what's up?" I ran my hand through my hair wearily.
"I missed you!" He grinned as he stepped in front of me.
"I just saw you at the Host Club..."
"That was a whole 32 minutes, and 42 seconds ago!"
"Uh-huh." I sighed.
"Hey Rin..." He frowned. "Why are you so gothic-looking?"
"It's a new style I'm exploring." It was easier than explaining.
"It looks great on you! You look amazing!" Hiro gave me the thumbs-up.
"Thanks. I know." I tried to get past him.
"Aw, play with me for a while!" Hiro pouted.
"I have to do homework." I started walking to the dorms.
"Hey Rin," He kept up with my pace easily. "Why did you come here after you got accepted into St. Lobelia's?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Well, you could've saved me a lot less trouble if we just came to Ouran together in the first place!"
"Dude. You have got to stop thinking we're a couple."
"We're not?" Hiro's eyes widened.
"No, we're not. Have I ever even gone on a date with you, let alone said I liked you back?"
"But..." Hiro stared down at me sadly.
"No, no, no! Don't you start the puppy-dog eyes!" I blocked my eyes and started walking quicker.
"Why don't you like me?" Hiro looked directly at me, going full power, trembling pout, big puppy-dog eyes...
"ARGH!" I squeezed my eyes shut.
"Rin's no fun." I heard the disappointment in his voice.
"Sorry about that." I grumbled, eyes still squeezed shut.
"You can open your eyes now, you know." Hiro laughed.
"No way in hell." I felt hands on my face. "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to pry open your eyes!" Hiro replied gleefully.
"You bastard!" I tried to cover my eyes with my hands, and it turned to us having some sort of tangled mess of intertwined arms.
"Yes!" Hiro cheered as I reluctantly opened my eyes.
"You are such a bitch." I rubbed my sore eyes.
"But you still love me, right?"
"Quit your bullshitting."
"You meanie!" And somehow, we ended up having a sissy fight.
"Hey! No violence in the hallways!" I smiled to see Hunny running over to us.
"Hello Hunny and Mori-senpai." I greeted.
"Hi Rin-chan, Hiro-chan!" Hunny smiled cutely.
"Who is he?" Hiro whispered.
"A Host." I replied back.
"Why does he call you Rin-chan?" Hiro frowned deeply.
"What are you talking about?" Hunny looked up at us.
"Nothing. Hiro's just being a jerk." I smiled.
"That's not fair! You're not that nice to me!"
"That's because you're a bitch." I faced Hiro.
"I'm expressing my feelings for you!" Hiro turned to me.
"It's annoying! Go express to someone else!"
"I don't want to!"
"Gah! You little-" I was about to push him when Hunny stopped us.
"Violence is not the answer to everything." Hunny said sternly.
"Yeah, but in this case, it's not a bad idea..." I cracked my knuckles.
"No! Rin-chan, that's bad!" After some more scolding, Mori cut in.
"Mitsukuni. The car is here." Mori pointed at the window.
"Alright, Takashi! Bye-bye Rin-chan!" Hunny gave me a little hug before running over to Mori. Just as he was about to disappear around the corner, he turned around and looked at Hiro.
"Hiro-chan, be nice to my wife, ne?" He winked and ran off.
I stared at the place Hunny had been standing.
"Tell me that did not just happen." My head spun as I tried to grasp what Hunny just said.
"Oh. My. God. He's trying to steal you away!" Hiro latched onto me.
"..." I was still staring in shock.
"What's wrong?" Hiro stared at me.
"Was that a marriage proposal?" I said, feeling light-headed.
"I don't know." Hiro steadied me. I was feeling a bit dizzy.
I scratched my head. As I brought my hand up to my forehead, I noticed something.
An Outsider's POV
Hiro stared at the body on the floor, which had just fainted seconds ago. Leaning down to inspect what had happened, he noticed her right hand.
He brought it up to his eye-level.
It was a tiny origami ring.

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