Chapter 7:

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"What?" I snapped.
"What are you doing?"
"Ronald, is it really any of your business?"
"But Ma'am, I strongly do not recommend sitting..."
"Ronald. Let me teach you two words I find extremely useful for dealing with you. Fuck. Off."
"That was inappropriate."
"If I wanted to be chums with you, you'd know it by now."
"Please get off of there."
"But my ankle hurts."
"That doesn't mean you can just sit on the Mini Golf course."
"The grass is very comfortable."
"It's not allowed."
"You really think I give a shit?"
"You swear a lot."
"You're a lady. Ladies should mind their language."
"You're a man. Men shouldn't know how ladies should behave."
"Once again, you're being inappropriate."
"Once again, do I look like I give a shit?"
"This is hopeless."
"I'd advise you to be kinder to me."
"Why would that be?"
"I have the responsibility to take you home. So, I am not moving one step until you apologize."
"Sorry, my darling Ronald." I batted my eyelashes and smiled.
Sighing, he held out a hand to pull me up. I looked at it with disgust.
"Thanks." I managed to hoist myself. "Lead the way." I brushed off the dirt from my pants and looked expectantly at him.
"Do you need support?" He looked uneasy.
"No." After I said it, he seemed to breathe sigh of relief.
"Let's go." I followed him silently throughout the park. Wincing with each step, I swore to never ride a damn Ferris Wheel again. Ever. But deep down inside I knew that if Hunny asked me with those big brown eyes, I would say yes without a moment's hesitation.
But he was an exception. Because the person who can resist those eyes and that face must be a demon. Or Kyouya. Same thing.
"...gates." I bumped into Ronald, who had been talking to someone. Stretching my neck, I tried to see who it was. Damn, this Ronald dude had big shoulders. I couldn't see a thing.
"What was that?" He turned around to face me.
"Nothing." I muttered.
Shrugging, we walked on. I kept on thinking of Hunny until a thought struck me.
What if he was really injured?
I know, I'm a damn idiot for not thinking of this sooner, considering I was madly in love with him, but I had other things on my mind.
A bunch of strange scenarios began running through my head. I saw images of Hunny on the ground, soaked with blood, Hunny hurled across the sky by a big wind, Hunny in a coffin...
ARGH! I tried to be more sensible.
All I got was an image of Hunny falling on top of a pretty girl, landing them in a very compromising position...
"JHEBFHIGSG!" I moaned into my hands.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" I heard Ronald ask.
"Keep going, shithead." I couldn't help it. I didn't like being a crazy, mad woman, but I had some serious drama going on in my head.
So, being the kind person that I am, I took all of my anger out on Ronald.
You know you would have done it too.
So, we kept on walking, him leading the way, me occasionally burying my head into my hands and making an incomprehensible noise. By the time we got to the gates, I was fully aware people were staring at us and whispering.
And why wouldn't they?
My hair and clothes were a mess, I was limping very visibly, I was groaning to myself again and again, and I was following very obediently behind a guy in a dazzling orange vest with "CALL US 4 HELP" imprinted on in dark black, followed by a number in bright blue.
Needless to say, it was hideous beyond words.
Looking down at the ground, I urged Ronald to go faster silently. Surely, it would kill my ankle, but the sooner we got out of here, the better.
Of course, Ronald didn't receive my heartfelt plea.
Cursing Ronald, I gently stepped on his heels.
Wow, Ronald screamed like a girl.
Which only earned us even more stares and whispers.
"Faster, dipshit." I murmured in the quietest command I could muster.
"What about your leg?" He whispered back.
"Did I not say faster? Faster!" I whispered fiercely.
To my surprise, Ronald actually listened, for once. We began to slowly increase our pace, until we were power-walking. I already knew that my face probably looked like one in great pain, but I didn't care.
Scenarios of Hunny were gone. My eyes became dizzy; I couldn't even picture his face anymore. Pity, because what a face it was...
I couldn't think straight anymore. The only thing I could see now was a slightly blurry image of Ronald's back, and my body had become numb.
I ached to stop and just lie down on the cold sidewalk, but there was one thing that kept me going.
My beautiful, comfortable bed.
I could already picture myself falling onto it, burying my face into the clean sheets...
" it?" I heard Ronald say before bumping into his back.
"Huh?" I answered, dazed.
"Where is your hotel?" He repeated, slowly, like I was retarded.
Reeling off the address, I ignored the cry of pain my muscles gave as we started walking again.
Noticing Ronald had slowed the pace, I pushed on his back. The last thing I wanted was to spend more time out here with Ronald's back blocking my view of anything in front of me.
In what seemed like forever, we had arrived at the hotel. Stopping myself from bumping into him yet again, I poked his back, indicating for him to move aside.
"Anything to say?" Ronald asked me.
"Thanks." I marched up the steps. "Ronald." I added as I turned around to smile at him before going into the hotel.
Man, the look on his face was priceless. He seemed amazed I could manage to say a sentence without swearing.
Grunting as I dragged my body towards the elevator, my strength gave out and I slumped against the elevator walls thankfully.
Moaning when the ding was heard, I wearily stepped out.
"RIN!" My ears rang with the loud scream. The Host Club had been assembled in the hallway, like some kind of emergency meeting.
After all gathering in Tamaki's room, I explained what had happened and got my leg checked by Kyouya.
He claimed it to be a light sprain, and it was bandaged up nicely.
Then, all hell broke loose. I had to go through a maniacal lecture from Tamaki, a stern one from Haruhi, a detailed description of how much time was wasted while trying to find me from Kyouya, and finally Hunny stepped up to me with a serious face.
"Hold up." I stopped Hunny.
"What's wrong, Rin-chan?"
"You have no right to lecture me. At all." I crossed my arms.
"Why?" Hunny looked puzzled.
"Are you kidding me? You jumped off a Ferris Wheel!" I started ranting.
"No buts! At least give me some kind of warning or something!"
"Is Usa-chan more important than your own life?" I started to shout.
"Why are you blowing this so out of proportion?" Hunny pouted.
"Because I was worried to death about you!" I pinched his cheeks, stretching them out as far as they could go.
"Why?" He managed.
"Because you jumped out of a freaking FERRIS WHEEL! Don't you get it? Do you know how worried I was? I don't think so!" I released his cheeks.
"But," He rubbed his cheeks. "Why were you so worried?"
"Because I love you, you freak!" I fumed. "And I have since forever! So next time you jump out of something very high up in the sky, think twice or I will freaking jump out after you, and if we both live, then I will take the pleasure of killing you myself!"
"So, you like me?"
"Are you deaf? Of course I do! If I didn't, then why the hell would I be spazzing out right now? You and I both know all too well I couldn't care less if that idiot Tamaki jumped off a skyscraper!"
"Then, you want to go on a date?"
"When and where?"
"How about tomorrow at 10:00 am?"
"Done!" I stormed into my room, slamming the door.
Outsider's POV
"What just happened?" Haruhi stared at the door in shock.
"More importantly, did Rin even know she agreed to a date?" Kaoru cocked an eyebrow.
"3... 2... 1..." Hunny counted down, smiling sweetly.
"WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!" Rin threw open her door, face red with embarrassment. "You... Me... Date...?" She stuttered, blushing.
"See you at 10!" Hunny skipped into his room.

Date , date , date .

Mi-chan's baby is growing up.


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