Chapter 10:

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran, or Mashima Hiro

Çhäptër 10:

It was almost annoying to go back to the Host Club after our vacation at the amusement park.
True, we had to go back eventually, but that wasn't what was bothering me.
It was the Host Club. Or more particularly, the fangirls.
Hell, I was okay with them in general, despite the nagging feeling to knock their heads together every once in a while, but they were nice on the most part.
But I was jealous as hell watching them gathering around Hunny.
So far my only enemy had been the bunny. And I couldn't even handle that.
As it stared at me from in Hunny's arms, I felt like it was taunting me.
Damn bunny.
"Rin, why are you here?" Haruhi asked from across the table.
"I'm here to visit you, of course!" I smiled.
"But you seem like you'd much rather be over there."
"Psh." I dismissed the notion like it was impossible.
"Why don't you ask Hunny-senpai to stop being a Host?"
"Hell no." I stared at her from under my dark cloak. "First, I'd get absolutely hounded by fangirls, and when they get jealous, there is nothing they won't do." I sighed. "Secondly, if Hunny was to quit, then so would Mori, and that would mean I'd take away 2 Hosts. Which would ultimately get Kyouya annoyed. And only fools would think it'd be okay to get on Kyouya's bad side."
"You've thought this over quite a lot." Haruhi sipped her tea.
"Huh? No, not really." Although the dark circles under my eyes proved me wrong. Not that anyone could see them under my bangs, of course.
"So, what would you like to talk about?" Haruhi switched the topic.
"Well, I might as well answer any questions you have about St. Lobelia's."
"Alright then..." We talked for a while, when suddenly I felt a cup being pushed into my hand.
"Drink up, you look tired!" Hunny said, before bounding off to his table.
"How did he see you were tired? I can barely see your face." Haruhi wondered out loud.
"I don't know." I smiled happily to myself to find out that it was Honey-Lemon Tea. Trust Hunny to know when I'm tired.
"Well, how many weeks are there left now until your deadline?"
"Let's see..." I counted in my mind. "It hasn't even been a month!"
"Wow, it feels like you've been here for so much longer..."
"Yeah..." We absentmindedly stared into space.
"Well well well, it hasn't taken you very long to capture Hunny." Haruhi smiled.
"I really would like you a lot more if you didn't bring up topics like these."
"Here comes Tamaki-senpai." She tried to distract me. It worked.
"Tamaki-chan!" I turned around, smiling sweetly. "Come on, show some love for your favourite wielder of dark magic!" I stretched out my arms, inviting a hug.
"EEP!" Was his answer, much to my disappointment.
"Is it so much to ask for a hug?" I widened my eyes innocently.
"Stay away!" He flinched. I paused, noticing a rather stern disapproving glance Hunny was giving me.
"Fine, break my heart." I sighed dramatically and sat back down.
"Rin, you've got to stop freaking him out." Haruhi sighed.
"Meh, it's amusing." I shrugged.
"You're way too carefree."
"Maybe you're just too tense."
"Will going to St. Lobelia's make me less tense?"
"Hmm, I don't think so. In fact, I stopped spazzing out after the age of 8. And now in the span of 2 and a half weeks I've managed to spaz at least 3 times. Ouran Academy has made me a lot more relaxed."
"So why don't you just come here?"
"What?" I blinked at Haruhi.
"Obviously, you're not making a great impression for your school. So, when you get booted out, why don't you come here?"
"Seriously? I never thought of that before." I pondered the idea.
"I really don't know if you're dense or smart sometimes."
"Oh don't worry; it's a Rin-thing." Came a voice from behind me.
"Haha, if this weren't the Host Club, I'd think that was some bastard from my old school." I laughed.
"Glad to know I've moved up from 'bitch' to 'bastard'."
"Oh shit." I ordered myself not to turn around. "Haruhi, does the person behind me have ruffled, messed up brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and is freakishly tall?"
"You fucking stalker!" My eyes bulged.
"Aw, and after I searched so hard to find you." I felt two arms drape around me.
"Hiro-kun..." I warned. "You do know I could break your neck in 5 different ways without any feeling of remorse, right?"
"Oh, you've improved! It used to only be 4 ways!"
"Who is he?" Haruhi questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Former classmate who used to stalk me." I grumbled as I tried to get his arms off of me.
"Stalking is a form of love."
"Yeah. A creepy form." I pinched the back of his hand. "Get off. Personal bubble."
"You're still so violent." Hiro sighed in admiration.
"You're popping my fucking bubble."
"What's going on?" Kyouya made his way over.
"This dude's bothering me." I pointed backwards at Hiro.
"Mashima Hiro (OMFG OMFG), Class 2-B, just transferred today."
"Woah. He's even more stalker-ish than me!"
"What is a guy doing here, anyways?" Haruhi muttered.
"I'm here to see my darling Rin!" Hiro squealed.
"Barf." Was my comment on the matter.
"If you could please leave the premises, Mashima-san." Kyouya smiled.
"Why?" I could tell from his voice he was pouting.
"Leave. Or we'll make you." Kyouya smiled again.
"Fine." Hiro whined and left.
"Wow, it looks like you're on the receiving end of major puppy-love." Haruhi noted. I sighed and rubbed my temples.
"That's because when he fell in love with me, he read a whole bunch of shoujo manga for advice." I closed my eyes.
"Why didn't you look at him?"
"That bastard has the most manipulative puppy-dog eyes in the whole damn world. I can't refuse to him. I just can't."
"Rin-chan, what was that all about?" Hunny popped up out of nowhere.
"Ah, I'll tell you after club activities." I smiled.
After the explanation of Hiro
"Wah! That guy is persistant!" Hunny's eyes widened.
"Hunny, you shouldn't make it sound like a good thing..." I laughed.
"Alright, Takashi, let's go!" Hunny tugged on Mori's arm.
"Where are you going?" Tamaki asked, making sure to keep a 'safe' distance from me.
"I'm going to tell Hiro-chan Rin-chan is mine!" Hunny waved cheerfully.
"A... But... Wha...?" I stuttered, feeling my cheeks flush.
"Wow... so even Hunny-senpai can get jealous... Interesting..." Kyouya whipped out his notebook and proceeded to jot a few notes down. "Very interesting." He smirked, leaving the little group that had gathered around me.
"Rin's in a love triangle!" The twins chorused happily.
"Love triangle?" My mind was spinning.
"Damn it, I hate fucking geometry."


Mi-chan has nothing to say today.
Thank the lord....

Mi-chan and mic-chan out💋☠

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