Chapter 5:

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A few days later, I went back to the Host Club. Instead of heading toward Hunny like usual and enjoying a nice cup of Honey-Lemon Tea, I made my way over to Kyouya.
"Is there something you would like, Rin?" His glasses glinted.
"Yes. If I could speak with Tamaki-chan, please."
"Just a moment." Kyouya led Tamaki away from his adoring customers, and practically dragged him over to me.
"What do you want?" Tamaki demanded, shaking slightly.
"This." I pulled out a piece of paper from under my cloak. "I'm just about to turn it in to the Principal. It's a little notice saying the entire Host Club is going on a little trip. Don't worry, I'm paying for everything." I smiled sweetly.
"Why would I ever agree to this? I need to protect my daugh-"
"Tamaki, you signed your name at the bottom." Kyouya pointed out.
"What? No I didn't..." Tamaki looked confusedly at the paper.
"Kekekekeke... You know, Tamaki-chan, it really is SO much easier to forge a signature when you have something to copy off of..."
"You evil woman!" Tamaki stared at me in horror.
"You are truly an honourable opponent." Kyouya's smile gave me chills.
"Senpai, what are you doing?" Haruhi came up to us.
"We'll talk about this later." Kyouya responded while Tamaki sulked. Haruhi shrugged and walked back towards her customers.
"A trip? Wah, this is going to be so fun! Ne, Takashi?" Mori nodded his head. The Host Club had just ended, and Kyouya had explained the situation. Tamaki was still sulking.
"Where are we going?" One of the twins asked.
"Kekekekeke... We're going to an amusement park!"
"Eh? Really?" The twins asked simultaneously.
"You don't want to?" Hunny asked them with big, sad eyes.
"I think it will be fun." Haruhi spoke up.
"I'm glad you like it. I found a nice hotel near the amusement park. This trip will only be for 4 days, I just wanted to get to know you guys more." I smiled. "But there's one condition."
"What is it?"
"You have to dress like a girl." Immediately Tamaki and the twins became interested. You could see them praying in their minds.
"Why?" Haruhi looked slightly put out.
"Well, I'm not going to have any fun if I'm the only girl with 7 really cool guys, in fact, I'm going to get hounded. So, either you are a girl with me, or I'll wear this scary costume and act more evil than usual." Now Tamaki was at Haruhi's side, showing his best puppy-dog eyes.
"Fine." She sighed.
"And," I added. "I'm picking what clothes you're wearing." Tamaki now had tears of joy running down his cheeks, and he put a hand on my shoulder.
"I approve of you... for now."
I gently removed his hand from my shoulder. Staring at my hand with slight disgust, I looked around. "Anyone have a napkin?"
2 Days Later
"Haruhi! Do you have everything?" I asked, admiring my work. Haruhi frowned, wearing a light yellow tank top and light blue jeans.
"Yes... But do I really have to wear this?" She poked at her clothes.
"Of course! Girls have to look good, always!"
"Then what about you?" She pointed at my brown long-sleeve shirt and baggy jeans.
"Didn't I tell you already? The center of attention is supposed to be you, not me." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Throwing on a cap, I looked around for anything I forgot to pack.
"Alrighty then, let's go!" I bounced down the stairs and into the car. Haruhi took one look at the car and closed up. Gingerly trying to get into it without touching it in any way, she finally got settled.
"I swear, if you call me that one more time..."
"I know, I know, sorry. Rin?"
"Do you like Hunny-senpai?"
"Why do you ask?" I was amazed at how nonchalant I sounded.
"You're always looking at him with a dazed look." She said bluntly.
"Really?" I looked out the window, staring really hard at a weird mountain.
"Do you like Tamaki-chan?"
"No. Why?" Her response made me laugh silently. Poor Tamaki-chan.
"You're always looking at him with a tired look."
"Shouldn't you be asking Kyouya-senpai this question?"
"Sweetie, I'm not a blockhead. I don't want to die."
"True." The rest of the ride was spent talking about St. Lobelia and the Zuka Club. To my surprise, when I recounted and talked about a lot of things, I wasn't even interested myself.
It sounded almost like a rehearsed speech a child was made to say by adults. And in a way, it was. It had been a week and a bit since I came to Ouran. Suffice to say, I had already loved it more than St. Lobelia.
"You've just repeated yourself. For the fifth time." Haruhi smiled.
"I guess I should concentrate a little more the next time I talk to you."
"The next time?"
"Yeah, we're here." I smiled as Haruhi peered out the window in confusion.
"But this isn't the airport..." She mumbled.
"Did I say we were taking a filthy public airplane?" I swear I heard her mumble something else about 'rich bastards' or something like that. Walking to where the others were gathering, I had my driver put our suitcases in the jet.
"Hi Haru-chan, Rin-chan!" Hunny waved happily. Tamaki and the twins were too busy trying to hide their blushes from Haruhi's sharp eyes. Perverts.
"Good morning!" I waved back at Hunny and Mori.
"Thanks for taking us on this trip!" Hunny climbed down from his perch on Mori's shoulders and hugged me.
I blushed, and caught Haruhi smiling to herself a little ways off. Ignoring her, I tried hugging Hunny back, which was sort of awkward, since he was a wee bit too short.
"It's..." I cleared my throat. "It's no problem, really."
"That's good!" He let go of me and took my hand. "I want to be the first one in the plane!" He yelled and I found myself being dragged at a very high speed towards the jet.
"Hey, there's no rush." I laughed as he plopped down on one of the seats.
"Rin-chan, you'll sit with me, right?" He looked at me hopefully.
"You don't want to sit with Mori-senpai?" I asked, hope slowly building.
"It's okay! I always sit with Takashi!" Hunny smiled. Smiling back like a fool, I sat next to him, trying not to look like this was the happiest moment in my life.
"No, Haruhi has to sit with daddy!" We heard a bunch of voices getting nearer. Kyouya and Haruhi smiled slightly at the sight of me and Hunny sitting together, but the twins and Tamaki were too busy arguing over Haruhi's seatmate.
Mori didn't say a word, didn't even give a second glance, just sat one row behind us and looked as stoic as ever.
In the end, much to the disappointment to the Haruhi Fan Club, Haruhi sat next to Mori as Kyouya calmly took care of the sulking Tamaki. The twins had an evil glint in their eyes, and I knew that Tamaki was not going to be able to have one minute of rest during the flight.
Outsider's POV
"Hunny-senpai, what are you doing...?" Haruhi asked nervously.
"Nothing much!" Hunny responded cheerfully.
"But... you keep staring at Rin while she sleeps... and taking her hand..."
"That's because her hands are so cold, I need to warm them up!"
"Then why do you keep staring at her?"
"Haruhi. Rin is sleeping." Mori cut in, silencing them both.
"How interesting..." Kyouya smiled.

Mi -chan is trying her hands to continue with the story but there's no time .
Mi-chan is very sorry.💋✌🏼️

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