Chapter 13

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Ooh... Chapter 13! With it, comes slightly distressing bad news for the Host Club! Drama makes me laugh. Ha.
Moving on,
The best part of the chapter: SUSPENSE! Oh, and dancing. Yay for lame dances the Host Club holds!


We finally left the house a few hours later, with my mom sobbing and screaming in my dad's arms.
"That wasn't so bad, ne wifey?" Hunny smiled up at me.
"Yeah. It was fun." I smiled back down at him. After those long, excruciating hours I had finally given up fighting and just accepted my new nickname.
"Oh! There's a Host Club meeting today!" Hunny brightened.
"Really? Can I come?" I dug out my small black cape.
"Sure!" We waited for them to come, me settling on one of the couches while Hunny dug out some more cake from the cupboard.
"Hey! Where did you guys go?" Tamaki and crew bustled in.
"Huh? What do you mean?" As I spoke, Tamaki inched a little farther away from me.
"We looked all over campus for you two." Haruhi voiced.
"Oh. We got engaged." I looked back down at my book.
"WHAT?!" They all screamed.
"Welcome to the family." Mori sent me a small smile.
"Your friends are so up-tight." I sighed.
"Sorry wifey." Hunny smiled.
"You guys..." Haruhi shook her head.
"Anyways, the entire purpose of this meeting is a special event." Kyouya pushed his glasses higher up on his nose. "So, Rin..."
"Fine." I threw up my hands and walked back to the dorms.
I had just been at the climax of the book when I heard a soft knock on the door.
Opening it, I smiled to see Umehito. "Hey, what's up?"
"The Host Club told me to give this to you." He left swiftly, brooding about "damn flashlights" or something like that.
An image of the twins grinning popped into my head. I shut my door and looked down at the piece of paper.
You, my princess, are invited to a spectacular Fall Ball hosted by The Host Club, led by the king Suoh Tamaki himself!
I scoffed, almost sick at the cheesiness of it all.
Bring your loveliest dress and dancing shoes! There will be food, games, and wonderful music while we dance the night away!
I rolled my eyes. What a load of crap. I skipped to the bottom and once I wrote down the date and place, I threw the foul paper in the trash.
"Dance the night away my ass. The curfew for the dorms is at midnight." I muttered and went back to my book.
Groaning as my phone rang; I put it down once again.
"What?" I growled.
"Hi, Rin-chan!" A sunny voice chirped.
"Hey." My facial muscles relaxed from a scowl to a small smile.
"Did you get the invitation?"
"Yeah. You really shouldn't force Umehito to do stuff like that."
"It was Kao-chan and Hika-chan's idea!" He whined.
"Okay, okay."
"Anyways, because of the dance the Host Club will be really busy, so we can't go on any more dates, okay?" His tone was what an adult would have used on a child.
"Sure." If a date meant going to see my spastic mother, then I would gladly do without them. I know, I'm such a kind girlfriend.
"Alright, bye-bye!" Hunny sang.
"See you." Time to get back to my book.
A few weeks later
"This is fucking ridiculous." I stared down at the dress neatly wrapped in the box. Somehow, my parents had found out about the dance, and decided to send me a dress.
A red, cocktail dress.
Tossing it away, I opened the next box, courtesy of Hunny.
I blushed and averted my gaze. It was a nice, white dress...
That looked strangely similar to a wedding dress.
"Screw this." I muttered and tucked both boxes in the deep corner of my closet, where they would hopefully never be seen again.
Slipping out the door, I called our driver and went to find a dress.
As I waited, I saw a flurry of girls shouting orders into their cell phones, desperately trying to get ready for the dance that was only a few hours away.
After some shops, I found the dress that I had been looking for.
It was a soft yellow sundress that reached my knees, with a little sash around the waist. I threw on a short-sleeved black jacket that reached down to the top of my stomach.
I didn't bother to do anything with my hair, just letting it loose.
I laughed at the thought of make-up, but applied a bit of lip gloss anyways.
Finally, I slipped into a pair of platforms. I certainly didn't need to be any taller than Hunny, but I doubted with or without platforms I'd still need to look down at him when we talked.
Maybe it was too casual, I thought.
A girl ran past me wearing a cocktail dress that looked a little like the one my parents had sent me.
Meh. Who was I to care about standing out? I wore a god damn cape and roamed through these hallways every fucking day.
But still I felt uneasy as I walked to where the ball was being held.
I had come early to try to hide behind the food table, but that didn't work out too well.
"Hey, isn't that Kousuke Rin?"
"No way! That freaky girl with the cape?"
"Shhh! She'll curse you!"
"Kyaaa! She scares me!"
I smiled slightly to know I still was a terrifying subject of discussion.
As I peered into the mysterious liquid that had been poured into glasses for refreshment, I looked around me.
There were girls with over-the-top fancy dresses, some slightly slutty ones, and a few casual ones like mine.
The one that stood out the most was probably a girl who had to literally lug herself around the room. She had at least 7 layers of heavy silk on her.
"Hey, Kousuke, right?" A girl shyly made her way up to me.
"You can call me Rin." I flashed a smile at her, and she loosened up a bit.
"Um, why are you...?" She stuttered, lost for words.
"Oh, dark magic is just a hobby of mine." I shrugged.
"I mean, why are you here?" Her face went red with embarrassment.
"Oh." I put a finger to my lips. "I have a little crush. Shhh."
"Oh!" She nodded vigorously.
"So..." My voice was drowned out by a tremendous roar of fangirl screams.
I turned to see that the doors had opened to reveal the Host Club, much to the happiness of the girls.
Seeing them all dressed properly in tuxes made a few girls swoon, but most were too intent on not missing a moment of trying to hog the Host of their choice's attention.
"Welcome!" Tamaki bellowed.
"KYAAAAAA!" Was the answer he got.
Chuckling, I saw Kyouya say something. Tamaki, disappointed, abandoned his little speech and the Host Club disbanded to different sections of the room.
"Um, I have to go, sorry!" The girl waved and ran off to find Kyouya.
I was appalled. How could someone so sweet... be interested in the demise of us all?
Shocked, I drank some of the strange liquid, relieved to see that it was only peach juice.
"Umph." I grunted as something bumped into me from behind.
"Watch it!" She grumbled and promptly left and joined the crowd gathering around Tamaki.
Frowning in her direction, I tilted my cup to my mouth, only to have it pulled from my hands.
"What?" I looked around, and saw Mori and Hunny.
"Here, Rin-chan!" He gave me back my cup.
"Thanks?" I stared at it curiously. It was the same colour, but it had been filled up again.
Shrugging, I tasted it.
My face broke into a wide smile.
Honey-Lemon Tea.
Before I knew it, I was being twirled around by Hunny, much to my dismay. I had completely forgotten I looked like a chicken when I danced.
"You know what? I think I'll just play some games." I smiled at Hunny.
"Okay Rin-chan!" He gave me a little wave and was off.
Picking up my cup, I headed off when I heard a huge scream.
"YOU BITCH!" We all turned around to see two girls in a catfight.
To my utter horror, I saw a figure leap in between the figures just as one lifted her fist to punch the other in the face.
The girls stopped, shocked, and a silence fell across the room as Haruhi fell to the floor.


Mi-chan is happy but sad for haru-chan.

See you guys soon.
Mi-chan 💋

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