Ch 2: What The Hell?!!

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Hello Canada...

Your brother is still alive...

Canada just stared in shock at the letter.

Canada: What the hell?!!

Was this some kinda sick joke?!

Well he ain't laughing!!

His brother was dead.

He saw the body and was at the funeral when it was buried. So how is America still alive?!

Questions filled Canada's mind but he made them fade away as he begin to read the rest of the letter.

If you don't believe me that's fine but I do got some information you might want to know.

Do not tell anybody but it's true your brother America is still alive.

If you want to see your brother again.

Meet me at the church near the well. Ya know the church where you all had America's Funeral.

Come alone.

Help will be there.

Signed Anonymous.

P.S. DO NOT TELL ANYONE...That's a warning...

Canada can tell where this is going. After years of experience and training in the army, he can smell a trap from far away.

But it's his brother he's worried about.

Is America...Really alive...

Canada: Al.....Are you really....Gone?

Canada just hope whoever this is better have a good explaination and better not be wasting his time.

But if this is really true.

Canada: It looks like he/she wants to meet me today. I better get going so I won't let them wait any longer.

Matthew begin to pack some things like food and water. He then looked at Kumajirou who was staring at him in wonder.

Canada: Kuma, I'll be back...There food in the fridge.

Kumajirou: Okay...Be careful....

Canada: Okay...I'll try....But try not to eat all the food in the fridge like you did last time when I left you in charge.

Kuma huffed and pouted.

Canada couldn't help but chuckle as he begin to leave.

Canada: Alfred.....

Whose the mysterious person that calls for Canada's prescene...

Is America really alive or this all a trick.

Find out in the next chapter.


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