Ch. 14: Declaration of Independence

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Canada: Are we...There now???

Gilen: Not yet but this is how it all started...

The memory fades into showing a young America watching England leave to go to his country.

America: You're so close to me...So why do I feel like I'll never reach you...


America: Iggy! Please don't leave! Take me with you!

England: ...I'm sorry America....But I got some things to tke care of...But I promise, I'll be back someday okay?

America: ...Okay...Good luck Big Brother...

England:...Same to you...My cute little Brother...Until we meet again...Take care.

England pat his head and kissed America on the forehead and begin to leave...

America:......You too....

Gilen: He made a promise to America that he'll come back someday...So America kept waiting...He waited for so long for Arthur to return. Days turn to months. Then months turn to years.

Canada already knew that because he was under England's rule when this happend when he took him from France.

Note: This took place after England stole Canada away from France after attacking him in Quebec. Along with threatening France with the Treaty of Paris and having his lover Jeanne of D'arc burned to the stake. France was forced to surrounder Canada to England.

Canada now then focused on America who looked grown up now.

England: America I'm a back.

America: Iggy you returned.

England:...?!! (HE GOT TALLER?!!)

Canada chuckles hearing England's thoughts. America's growth sprout must've gave England a fright.

Gilen: Even though England return. Their relationship became a little sketchy. England never patted America on the head or hardly shown anymore brotherly affection. America begins to feel neglected...

Canada: I see...But what started the Independence?

Gilen: Look there.

The scene shows America all by himself looking at the sunny sky and wind blowing in his hair and looking at the birds flying around.

America: I wanted us to be together....But I feel like we're getting further apart. Though I feel more at ease then I did back then.

???: Now aren't you pitiful. You look like a lonely guy with no friends except for those birds.

America: Huh?! France?!!

France: Big Brother at your service~! Looks at how much you grown mon'ami. Looking all muscular and amazing, you did your best.

America: How long have you been here?!

France: For a while.

America: None of that is none of your business!

France: How mean. What can big brother do is not enough, non?

America: Don't make me tell England you're here!

France: Now don't be like that Amerique. I just want to talk.

America: I'm listening....

France chuckles then looks at the nirds flying.

France: Don't you...Want to be free like those birds?

America:...Eh?...What are you talking about? It's not like I'm caged or anything!

France:...Oh I believe that's where you're wrong. Do you really want to know what England has been doing to your people?


France: I believe we got a lot to talk about.

Canada: Eh??

Gilen: You see there. Your brother actually wasn't thinking about independence until France came along. He somehow managed to convince America what England is actually doing to his people.

Canada: B-But I thought America only did the revolution because of the taxes.

Gilen:...I believe it's more than that...

Then the changes show the scene where America and England were fighting.

England: You can't do this!

America: Yes I can! I sick and tired of you treating me like a child! It's time my people deserve the freedom they need!! For now on, I'm no longer your colony nor your little brother!!! So for now...I DECLARE WAR ON YOU BRITAIN!!

England: .....So be it...Your going to regret this. You forget I'm the British Empire. You don't know who you're messing with!!

America: I don't think so. I'm going to get freedom if it's the last thing I do! Goodbye England.

Emgland: America! AMERICA!!

The memory slowly faded away as Canada and Gilen were in the darkness again.

Note: I'm pretty sure France allied with America because he wanted revenge for England did to him and Canada. The American Revolution happen because Americans thought their taxes were claimed to be unconstitutional by the Britsh Parlament. England had also took away America's port to boston and self-goverment by retaliating. The thirteen colonies formed the Continential Congress to coordinate their resistence. So in other words, the British were unfair to Americans and the 13 colonies helped America rebel from England and the Declaration of Independence was made in 1776.

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