Ch. 28: Reunited! Pt. 1

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Back in the dark abyss stood the 2p Axis as they look at Shiro, who was defeated and knocked out by them.

Luciano: Hmph. Stupid brat.

He kicks Shiro in the stomach while Lutz and Kuro watch. Kuro almost flinched a little seeing his little brother get beat up by Luciano.

Note: Key Word: A little.

Luciano: Kuro, your brother is a traitor. He must face the consequences later.


Luciano: For now...Let's search for those two who got away.

Lutz: How would we find them boss?

Luciano: Easy...They must be going to the axis headquarters to look for that stupid American! Let's hurry up and get there! No lollygagging!

Luciano then vanish.

Kuro:....I hate him so much...

Kuro then picked up Shiro and looked at him for a minute.

Kuro: .......

Lutz: Kuro?

Kuro: ?!

Lutz: What's wrong?

Kuro: .....Nothing...Come on. Let's go before Luciano gets mad. I swear I am not eating bloody pasta for tonight.

Lutz: -Nods- Ja.....

Both of them disappeared with Shiro in their hands.


Canada and Oliver made to the Axis Headquarters.

Oliver: Poppet, we're here!

Canada: Yeah but how do we get in....It's locked.

Oliver: Oh don't worry about that...I have this...

Oliver pulled out a key.

Canada: Y-You took that from them?

Oliver: Yep. Had the opportunity to take it from Lutz when Flying Chocolate Bunny made that smokescreen.

Canada: Wow. So that was him...Where did he go anyway?

Oliver: He went to go spy on Luciano and the others to see what they up too. Now let's get inside Poppet. We need to look for your brother.

Oliver uses the key to unlock the door and they both went inside.

While inside. They found a large hallway filled with a red carpet and white walls.

Oliver: Alright Poppet. I'll go search for my spellbook and you go search for your brother. After all it's still a chance he could be here.

Canada nods as Oliver leaves and Matthew wished him good luck.

Canada: Where to look....

That's when Matthew begin his search.


Canada couldn't find his brother. He searched through the kitchen. Living rooms, Dining Rooms, Bedrooms, or any room that could have America captured in...

Canada: Where are you Al.....You have to be alive...After all...I came all this way....Or maybe....You really are dead.....Why did I believe Oli-?!

???: Meow!

Canada: Eh?

Matthew turned his head to see a large white cat....It looked very familiar to Canada...

It looked very familiar to Canada

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Canada: No way...It couldn't be.....Is that you Americat?


Canada chuckles and pats Americat which causes him to purr. He missed seeing America's pet cat. But he wondered how did Americat get here? He thought England was taking care of him since America's supposed death...Then it hit him...

Canada: Americat....Do you know where America is at?

Americat: Meow!

Canada: I'll take that as a yes.

Suddenly Americat dashes off towards the hallway and he look back at Canada before running.

Canada: Hey wait!

Canada followed the cat towards what seems to be a basement. Only that it looked more like a bunch of cells to hold prisoners.

Canada looked into a few cells and shuddered when he saw some blood in some of them. Seemed like Luciano was busy....

Canada: I think I'll avoid some of these cells.

Americat: Meow.

Canada looked ahead to the cat waiting for him.

Canada: There you are.

Americat: Meow~! Meow~! Breeow~!

Americat continued walking towards the cells.

Canada: Hey wait a minute!.....-Sigh- Just like America. He won't listen!

Canada followed Americat in pursuit as the cat finally stopped at a cell where Matthew can hear mumbling....He took a peek and saw....A soul???

Canada: What???

Soul: Dang those assholes...They lock me in here without getting me something to eat. Like maybe a burger or something. They could've gave me that. After all, a hero should be treated fairly! Ahahahaha~!

Canada:....That voice....I-It's....

Matthew walk towards the cell and voice out the name of the person he wanted to see for a very long time.

Canada: America?


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