Ch. 13: The Truth About Canada's Invisiblity

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Canada open his eyes to find himself once into another memory.

Canada: Okay. What now?

???: You finally showed up.

Canada: Eh?

Canada recognized the voice and turn his head to see yet another 2p, but this one look like his friend Prussia. Just more...Religious...

A/N: Sorry couldn't find any good 2p Prussia mmd

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A/N: Sorry couldn't find any good 2p Prussia mmd. So I choosed a drawing. Also 2p Prussia might be a little OC because I know for a fact he's either mute or just wouldn't talk much like the original would.

Canada: Ummm...Hi...You must be 2p Prussia...

2p Prussia:-Nods- I'm 2p Prussia or Gilen as you can call me. I hold most of Alfred's darkest memoires. Your brother kept so many secrets from you that you can't even imagine...Espically your invisiblity.

Canada: Wait what?

Gilen: Have you wondered why you was always invisible?

Canada: .......Yes....

It was a good question. Canada always wondered why he was invisible and no could see him. He always thought because he was disappearing or in some case, it's America's fault.

Gilen: You're about to find out why...

Gilen pointed to another direction which shows a scene where Canada and America were kids but a little older.

America was wearing a cowboy outfit while Canada wore in his own outfit while holding Kumajirou. England and France were not far away and were just talking...Then mainly fighting like a old married couple.

Canada: I remembered this memory. That's when me and America were only a few decades old playing together in a field.

Gilen: Of course, but keep looking.

Matthew look and saw America walked away from the other Canada to small opening where he was alone...Well...That was not really it. He wasn't alone and he knew it.

America: Come on out. I know you're there.

???: So you finally saw me through my disguise eh porkchops.

America: ....

Allen: Heh heh heh. Don't give me that look. I only wanted to say Hi.

America: Your only here to screw with me.

Allen: Well true. But that's not reallt what I'm here for.

America:...Then what are you here for.

Allen: What do you think? Or maybe I should have some fun with...Your brother.

The child America growled and stared at his counterpart.

America: You touch Mattie and I'll swear I'll end you.

Allen: Whoa easy porkchops. I just want to mess with him a little.

America: Well your ideas for that are just sick.

Allen: Hmm...How about we make a deal. Since your so stubborn. I'll leave him alone only for a cost.

America: What kind is it?

Allen: How about I make him invisible.

America: WHAT?!!

Canada looked in bewilderment. Was this really the truth about his invisiblity? America knew this entire time...

Allen: Yes in exchange for his life, I'll let him live.

America: You can't kill him! He's a nation.

Allen: So am I. But if the nation country is attacked. Just enough power to take down his little country would kill him ya know.

Allen: Make your choice porkchops. It's either he dies by my power or he'll be invisible til the rest of his days as a nation. Pick your poison...

America:...Fine. Make him invisible.

Allen: Hahahaha~! I knew you see things my way. But you should know. By making your brother invisible. He'll be miserable the rest of his life and it will be all your fault.


America: I don't care if Mattie hates me for what I'm doing. As the hero, I'll protect him!

Allen: Wow...So much for being a hero. Your decisions will affect your future and everyone will hurt you. Good Luck porkchops. -Disappears-

America:...Mattie...I'm so sorry. But I'll always protect you and I'll be your hero. Even if....You'll hate me in the future.

Canada just couldn't believe what he had scene. He looked up at 2p Prussia with questions.

Canada: H-How?

Gilen: America knew about us 2ps way before England and you did. He was the first one to discover us and it all went downhill for him when he met Allen. Allen took a interest in you and him. So for the next few decades, he tormented Alfred and took away your visiblity with one of Oliver's spell books.

Canada: .....

Canada did not want to believe this. Why would Allen do such a thing...But now he felt more guilty about what he had learned. Alfred protected him by making him invisible. He remember all those times he blamed America for his invisiblity but now he know the truth. He wish he should've known so he wouldn't been such a jerk to America.

Gilen: Come on, time for the next memory. But I'm not sure your gonna like this one.

Matthew dared to ask.

Canada: What are the next ones?

The look on Gilen's face made him almost swore but he had no choice but to face it and heard the words.

Gilen: The Revolution.


Note: Canada just appears invisible because none of the other countries see him. They say he looks too much like America. So Canada gets beat up by Cuba, because to other countries, Poor America is known to be a bit of a douchebag. Also the regions America, Canada, and South America are all called the Americas. Not the Canadas. He is also invisible because he is silent and none of the other nations (Besides a few) remember his name. Also in real life, Canada does not mostly get notice by the news, America does. Next chapter is going to be about the start of the Revolution.

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