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It's been a few weeks since America and Canada got back from the 2p World. Canada's mission to save his brother was a huge success. Surprisely Luciano haven't even bother to his get revenge after this.

Canada was so glad his brother was back. Safe and sound.

After hearing news that America was back alive, the other nations were glad. And the first person who hugged him and cried his eyes out was England. England keep apologzing to Alfred after all he had done to the American. It took a while for Canada to explain the dire situation of how he got America back. It was unbelieveable but the nations seemed to believe this and after a while they let it go. Those who had bullied, blamed, teased, and insulted America had apologized. They never believed that he would've committed suicide over things like that. But however America never really forgave them...He only forgiven his brother and a few others...But for the rest of the nations...The damage is done...

Those who really cared for America were just happy he's alive again. Espically his states. It took a while for New York and the others to stop crying. New York even tried to ban England for seeing America since he did the most damage. But America said he was cool with it and England can see him whenever he likes. Though the states weren't happy about that. Including Alaska, who was plotting England's death every day.

Alaska:-Dark Aura- Kolkolkol, I'll stab him and dance on his grave~!

England: ......Oh My Bloody God...

France: Ohonhonhon Poor Angleterre.

China: Aiyah...When will he ever learn, aru.

Italy: Ve~! At least America is back.

Germany: Ja. After all he been through, it must've been emotional trauma.

Japan: Hai. I agree. Poor America-san. We should do something for him.

Italy: Ve. I make him Pasta~!

Alaska: Kolkolkol.

England: Someone get this crazy kid away from me!!

Alaska: Crazy?...Kolkolkol...This pickaxe is for your face.

England: WTBH?! (What the bloody hell?!)

Alaska: Come back here and take your death like man! -Chases after England-

States: Give him hell, Alaska!

Russia: Da. I couldn't be more prouder of him.


No one ever insulted America again. Sure there still some arguments. But no more insults. Canada made sure of that.

Canada: Ah. It's so good to be home.

America: Yeah. It's been months since that whole fasico...

Canada hums in agreement and look at Kumajirou and Americat eating food. Tony was playing video games. While himself and America were having a brotherly time together.

America: Hey Mattie...

Canada: Yeah Al?

America: I...Wanted to apologize for hurting you all those years ago....Espically for your invisiblity....

Canada made a small smile.

Canada: Al. Don't worry about it. I said it was in the past. But most of it was my fault anyway...I should've been a more better brother...I mean...You tried to kill yourself...And this diary...

Canada looked at the diary of his brother in his hands. So many secrets. He wanted to find out so much more about his brother.

America: But you are a good brother. Your the best older twin brother this hero could ask for!

Canada: -Smiles- Yeah...

America: Besides Canada. I would always be your hero!

Canada: -Chuckles- I...Also want to be yours.

America: ...Then let's be each other heroes together!

Both brothers laugh at the idea. Even after what they been through. They were still young countries. Powerful. But still young.

Canada: It's great to have you home Al.

America: Yeah. Same here Mattie~! Hahahahahaha~!


America: Mattie?

Canada begins to have tears falling from his eyes.

He almost lost his brother....

America: Ummm...Dude! Don't be sad...Did I do something wrong?!

Canada: N-No...America...I...I'm sorry...

Canada hugged him as he cried and America returned the hug.

Canada: Alfie...I-I just missed you so much!!

America: Shhh. There. There. Mattie. I'm here. I'll always be your hero and your brother!

Canada: Oh Maple. Love you Al.

America: Love you too.

Both brothers spent the rest of the day holding each other in their arms.

The bond between siblings is very strong. Espically brothers. Never lose sight of what is really important. Remember. Each sibling has an attachment between one another. Even if their far away. Never let them go...

 Never let them go

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