10. Up My Nose You Go

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AN: This chapter is leading up to a plot twist. Like I said, I have a twist in mind so bare with me.

Life as a superhero was good.

Life as a spider swinging guy was even better.

I loved swinging from building to building, people watching in awe. The wind rushes at your face. Everything passes by you in less then a second.

When I jump off buildings, I don't get scared. I can just boost myself up with my webs without plummeting to the ground.

Before getting my powers, I would never jump off a building, even if I was paid a hundred bucks. The hundred bucks would go to waste because I would be dead.

Now, jumping off buildings is natural to me. I don't cringe or flinch as I look down at the hard cement tons of feet below me. I just jump and let the breeze carry me.

My powers have also come in handy when I deal with the usual school problems.

Like, for instance, my top locker is high up, so I can't reach my books as easily. And everyday I usually wear my web shooters and hide them. So, I make sure no one is watching, shoot my webs, grab the books I need, and put them in my arm. It's easier then wasting my strength by having to stand on my tippy toes and reach my arms all the way up.

One time, I saw a kid bullying a smaller kid. I snuck up behind the bully, shot my webs at his butt and pulled down. Instead of focusing their attention on the kid being bullied, the kids watching focused on the bully's underwear. They all laughed, the bully looking angry and humiliated. They best part was, no one saw me pull the pants down.

And I know, with great power comes a great responsibility. Peter has told me many many many times.

I wondered if I would ever meet the Avengers. I asked Peter about it.

"Do you know about the Avengers?"

"The Avengers? Of course. Their leader, Nick Fury, has asked me if I wanted to join."

I started at him in awe. "What did you say?"

Peter looked as if it wasn't a big deal. "I said I was a lone wolf."

My mouth formed the shape of an O. "You... declined... the Avengers..."

Peter smiled. "It's okay. At that time, I was in college. I didn't want to worry about fighting off aliens or evil Norse gods. I also had some big assignments coming up."

Would I get to meet the Avengers one day? Would Nick Fury ask Spider-Man to join again?

I shook it off because at that moment a force pushed me into a dark alley. (Sorry for all the alleys in this stories.)


When I regained my senses, I realized I was lying down, darkness everywhere. I wondered who shoved me into the alley.

That's when I saw a darker shade of black crawling up the wall. Venom.

"Oh great. It's you again" That probably wasn't the brightest thing to say in this situation.


His crooked smile made me get goose bumps. He was up to something.

"What do you want? More innocent people to kill?"


"That is?" I asked.


Before I could guess what was about to happen, Venom clicked a button on a bracelet that was on his wrist and he vaporized into a black smoke. I stumbled behind me, away from the black smoke but it was too late. It entered my nose, my body feeling like it was slipping away until... darkness.


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