13. Venom Cuts Me Some Slack

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I jolted awake.

All I knew was that Venom was controlling my body. I could only see darkness.

It was a boring 2 days.

When I regained my senses, I realized that I was lying on the ground of a bedroom. I looked at a nearby clock. 12:45 it said.

The room wasn't my room. It was bigger. This was Peter Parker's.

I wondered why I was in here, why Venom took me here.

I got up and my stomach fell down all the way to my toes. My eyes were as wide as a baseball. My jaw dropped.

No. No. No.

This wasn't happening.

"Peter!" I screamed as I looked at the knife embedded in his stomach.

"Venom... He... "Peter croaked.

Tears were starting to form in my eyes. "I know."

Peter inclined his head so that he saw the knife sitting in his belly. "Ow. That's gonna... leave a mark."

"I'm going to get you out of here. I'm taking you to safety" I grabbed Peter's phone at the side of his bed and was about to call the hospital when Peter touched my arm, signaling me to stop.

"Don't" he said. "It's... useless."

I stared at him, the tears slowly falling down my cheeks. Peter got me all this way. He told me how to be a good hero and the tips to be Spider-Man. I wouldn't have gotten this far with being Spider-Man without him.

"Kill him" Peter said. "For me."

Peter smiled sadly and closed his eyes.

I started to sob as I heard the police car's ringing, they entered the door and were heading up the stairs. Before the police could see me, I slipped out the back window and ran to my house, silently wishing to kill Venom.


When I woke up in my own bed, I was miserable.

I only got 2 hours of sleep. Peter's dead body always made it's way back into my mind.

I was furious at Venom for possessing me. He probably killed someone in my body and now the police would be looking for me.

What else had he done in my body?

I shook that off.

I wanted to avenge Peter's death.

Because nobody gets away with killing one of my friends.

"Percy, are you okay?" My mom asked as she entered my room to see me staring at my mirror.

I wanted to tell her the whole story. She would understand, hopefully. She understood what I had to do as a demigod. Hopefully, she would understand about me being a superhero.

"Yeah mom" I chocked. "I'm... fine."

"You know I can tell that something is up with you, right?" my mom stated. "You've been acting really strange lately."

"There's a reason for that" I said, looking down.

"Can you tell me? I'm always here to help."

And I confessed about everything that had happened the last couple of weeks. Me finding the Spider-Man suit, me getting bit by the spider, me finding out my powers, me training with Peter, Venom attacking my school, Venom possessing me, and Peter... dying.

My mom's eyes widened. "So... You are the new Spider-Man? The one that we saw on the news."

I nodded. "Yep. Pretty much."

"I'm sorry about Peter."

"Thanks mom" I hugged her.

Just then, my ears started to ring, my head started to hurt. I started shaking. No not this again.

"PERCY JACKSON. HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY?" Venom's cold voice hissed.

"Why did you kill him?" I shouted, getting angry.


I clenched my fists. "What do you mean battle?"


Suddenly, I got a vision inside of my vision.

I saw Camp Half-Blood in flames, burning up quickly. I saw demigods, some of them were my friends, lying on the ground. The Big House was fully destroyed. No. This can't happen.

"Venom, stop" I commanded. "Don't show me this."

Venom smiled in his twisted way. "THIS IS WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. AND YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO STOP IT."


"Percy!" my mom shook me.

"Venom... Camp Half-Blood" I stuttered.

I felt a vibration in my pocket. A rare phone call from Annabeth.

I picked up. "Annabeth. What's up."

"Venom. He's here... in Camp Half-Blood. You have to come. Now."

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