Chapter 1: Raid

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My name is Cyrus, also known as The Flaming Phantom. I am seventeen years old, I have brown hair and eyes, and I come from a race of people called the Yondites. The Yondites are a special race of people with special abilities, but they are normally cut off from modern technology. I cannot tell you where I am right now, for it would endanger me and everyone I love, but I can tell you why I'm here. It all started in my village. I was fifteen at the time, but it was that day that I was forced to become a man.

I was sitting on a bench when I heard someone call me.

"Ghostfire!" The voice yelled.

You may be wondering why he called me "Ghostfire". You see, every Yondite is born with something special about them. Some are amazing athletes, some have an incredible ability to learn, and some are skilled fighters. There are obviously many more, but that would take too long to explain. Anyway, based off of what the abilities we are born with, we are given a nickname at birth. I was given the name, "Ghostfire" for reasons you'll find out later. Now, back to my story.

I turned to see who had called my name. When I did, I saw Glamour. Well, Glamour is the nickname he was given. His real name is Sean. At that time, he was the same age as me, although I'm a few months older. His inborn ability is charm, thus the name "Glamour". Although me and my friends found it ironic because we thought his inborn ability was the ability to piss everyone off with a cocky attitude.

"What do you want Sean?" I asked. I could see anger in his blue eyes.

"Where is my relic?" Sean replied.

A relic is what every Yondite is given at birth. It symbolizes your special power and amplifies them as well. If your relic is stolen, the person who stole it can use your power, although they'll have to learn how to use it.

"How am I supposed to know?" I said.

"Oh come on, we both know you're jealous of my ability, so you took my relic so you could steal my charm," Sean accused.

"Okay, first of all, I did not take your relic. Second of all, are you really that vain? Do you think everyone wants your useless ability?"

"It's not useless, I can charm my way through anything."

"Charm only goes so far. If you ever want to get anything done in life, get up and actually do something."

Sean reached out and grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"Give me back my relic!" His freckled nose wrinkled as he got increasingly angry with me.

"I told you-" I grabbed Sean's arm. "I don't have it!"

I squeezed his arm and he let go of my shirt. He fell to his knees, trying not to scream.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my friend Addison. Her other name is Compassion. I'm pretty sure you can tell why. She was fresh faced with eyes that changed color between brown and green. She was looking at me with big sad eyes, like she couldn't bear to see me hurt anyone.

I couldn't stand to see that look in her hazel eyes, because it meant that I had upset her. That one look was far more persuasive than Sean could ever be.

"Please, let him go," She said.

I looked back at him and let go of him. Sean turned and began to run home, his dirty blonde hair blowing in the wind.

"I don't see why you stopped me," I said.

She shrugged, a testament to her name.

I sat down on the bench again. Addison came and sat down right beside me.

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