Chapter 15: Kidnapping

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 We walked for a few hours with no real surprises. I tried to stop thinking about Addison, but some part of me just wouldn't let go of it. She wasn't even a Supernatural Yondite! I already regretted allowing that man back in the village to give her the scar on her face, but this was much worse. There was no telling what they were doing to her!

As I was thinking, Jericho walked up from behind me.

"You're thinking about Addison, aren't you?" Jericho said.

"You could tell?" I replied.

"Yeah, but you'd be a monster not to. If anything happened to Tasia, I might have broken Ashley's biggest rule for me and unleashed Blood Rage and screwed over everyone on our side. Listen, I know Ashley seems like a demon sometimes, but don't hold it against her, after all, she does have to lead a group of teenagers."

"I don't hold it against her. I'm more mad at myself for not being able to stop them from taking Addison. I know that Spirit has an ungodly amount of power, but I still can't help but think that I could have done more."

"Hey, even if you could have, there's no use in crying over spilled milk."


"Sorry, I forget you still don't know a lot about the real world. Basically, it means that there's no use in crying over mistakes, since they can't be changed. All you can do now, is make up for those mistakes."

"I never thought of it like that. Alright, that's what I'll do. How are you so stable in times like these?"

"After some time, we all do."

"I know that, but you seem to be extra stable. I've never seen you lose your composure except for the time after we first met when I brought you back to the base, and Ashley got angry at you for getting shot, but even then, you just cracked a smile."

"Well, I guess you can call me special. Everyone has their own mindset, and I think that no matter what someone says, the moment you lose even a small fraction of who you were, that's when the world can swallow you whole. I developed that mindset not long after evading capture from Overmaster when they attacked my village."

"It's not a bad mindset," I said.

"I like to think so," Jericho said, giving a smile.

Suddenly, Ashley stopped. As she stopped, everyone did the same.

"We're here," Ashley said.

I looked ahead and saw a big, walled in city. My talk with Jericho prevented me from seeing it. Ashley turned to all of us.

"Alright, just as always, security is going to be higher than usual," Ashley said. "We go in like we always do. Tasia, keep a look out ahead of us at all times, and Simon, keep our movements silent."

"Got it," Tasia and Simon said together.

Ashley turned to Jericho and I.

"Jericho, you know what to do, but as for you, Ghostfire, I want you to stay close to me and don't make a sound. Unless, I say so, or you're forced to, I don't want you doing anything, got it?"

"Yes," I said with a sigh.


Ashley turned back to the city.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Ashley said.

Ashley began walking toward the city, and I sped up to catch up with her. Everyone else made a formation that must have been predetermined. Jericho, April, Dakota, Chris, and Austin all made a circle to surround Tasia and Simon. Ashley closed the circle at the front, with me at her side.

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