Chapter 10: Soul Training

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After training, I walked back to my room. When I got there, Addison was sitting on her bed, wearing light blue clothes that seemed to be made of a soft fabric. She stood up when she saw me.

"Hey Cyrus," She said. "How was your training?" She asked.

"Well," I began. "Turns out I'm already a skilled enough fighter, so Ashley trained me with those things that shoot metal. Turns out, they're called guns. What about your training?"

"It was okay. I learned a lot more about fighting than I did before, but that isn't saying much."

"You'll get better. Hey, where did you get those clothes?"

"Do you like them? Ashley gave them to me along with some others. She said these are called pajamas. You're supposed to wear them when you go to bed. She gave me some for you too."

"Where are they?"

"They're on your bed."

I looked on the top bunk and saw about eight sets of clothes. I grabbed the pair that looked the softest.

"Are these the pajamas?" I asked.

"Yes," Addison replied.

I walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me so I could change. The pajamas I got were black. When I finished, I opened the door and exited the bathroom.

"Hey, those look nice," Addison said.

"They're just black clothes," I replied.

"Yeah, but you look good in black."

I walked to my bed and climbed on the top bunk. I dropped the other clothes down on the dresser and let myself fall on my mattress.

"I still haven't grasped this whole situation," I said. "It's all like a big nightmare, but I feel too awake for it to be a dream."

"I know what you mean," Addison said. "I haven't really wrapped my head around this either, but it's all real. There is no way it can be fake."

"You're right about that. Anyway, let's get some rest, we've had a long day."

"Alright, goodnight."

Addison climbed into bed and switched off the light. I turned over on my side and closed my eyes. I wanted to think over everything that had happened, but I was far too tired, and I quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of a blow horn. I took my head off of my pillow and looked to the door. Ashley was standing in the doorway.

"Get up," She said. "It's time for your training."

I crawled to the ladder that went from the top bunk to the floor and climbed down it. I grabbed some pants and a shirt, then walked to the bathroom to get changed. I closed the door behind me and got dressed. When I was done, I exited the bathroom. Addison was waiting outside the bathroom door with some of her new clothes to get changed into.

As she walked into the bathroom, Ashley said,"I'm taking Cyrus over to the training grounds, so when you finish getting dressed, head over to your training grounds."

"Okay," Addison said, closing the door.

Ashley headed out the door, and I followed her out. We headed to the training grounds and when we got there, she led me to an area that was walled in with steel walls. There were training dummies lining the wall.

" What's this place for?" I asked.

"It's for training with your supernatural abilities," Ashley replied. "Today, we are training your soul."

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