Chapter 17: Sneaking Out

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For the rest of the day, I just walked around the base, checking it out. The base was almost exactly like the last one, with a few small differences. My room was exactly the same, but it felt empty without Addison. I continued looking calm for the rest of the day, then it was time for everyone to go to bed.

I walked to my room as everyone else did, but I didn't go to bed. I turned off the light, then waited in my room. About two hours passed, when I decided it was time. I grabbed my stuff, then opened the door to my room. I stuck my head out the door to make sure no one was up, then headed out.

As I was walking, I heard a sound that made me freeze in my tracks. I quietly walked forward and looked in the lounge. It was dark, so I couldn't see too well, but I could see Ashley ahead of me! She hadn't seen me yet, so I hid behind the wall. I poked my head out and noticed that Ashley wasn't in her pajamas. She was wearing a black shirt and dark jeans. She had a black backpack as well, and her hair was tied back. The saber from the armory was at her side.

"What is she doing?" I asked myself.

Ashley grabbed a pen and paper off the lounge table and began writing something down. After she finished, she took a piece of tape and walked over to the exit. She taped the paper to the wall, then headed up the stairs.

I heard the trapdoor open, then footsteps walk outside. The trapdoor closed, then there was silence. I came out from my hiding spot and walked over to the note that she taped to the wall. I read through the note and was completely shocked.

The note read," Don't let Cyrus read this, if he finds out what I'm doing, he'll come looking for me. I've gone to Sky Tower, and I don't want any of you to follow me. The more I think of that innocent girl being in such an awful place, the more the rage builds up in my gut, so I'm going after Addison tonight. Think of an excuse to tell Cyrus, and make it a good one. If you have the slightest flaw in your explanation, he'll smell it out like a Bloodhound. Until I get back, Jericho's in charge as usual. Until I see you next, goodbye."

I couldn't believe what I had just read. I never expected Ashley to sneak out to save Addison. I turned to the stairs and ran up them, planning on tailing Ashley. I opened the trapdoor and stepped into the run-down building that housed the bunker. The trapdoor closed behind me, and I ran into the night. I looked down a road and saw Ashley's white hair disappear behind a corner.

I ran down the road so I wouldn't lose sight of her. I turned the corner and saw Ashley run into an alley. I followed her down the alley and saw her looking around a corner. I quickly began sneaking toward her, when she turned the corner and ran. I ran down the alley and turned the corner. I looked to my right and saw Ashley running in a straight line toward the city's entrance. I followed as quickly and quietly as could. Soon, we had both left the city. I wanted to approach her, but I knew I shouldn't until we got further from the city.

Ashley kept running with me tailing from behind. She ran for about five minutes until she ran out of breath and slowed down. I was glad because I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to keep up with her while she ran. I looked behind me and saw the city. The city seemed far enough to me, so I advanced toward Ashley.

I quietly approached so she wouldn't hear me. When I was about ten feet away from her, I decided to speak up.

"So, You were planning on leaving without me?" I said.

Ashley quickly turned and pulled a pistol from her side. I hadn't seen that! I put my hands in the air.

"Cyrus?" Ashley said, taking her finger off the trigger.

Ashley's expression quickly went from surprised to angry.

"What are you doing here!" She yelled.

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