Chapter 26: Destruction

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I stared Axel down, watching every single movement he made. He seemed to have no intention of attacking, but I knew he wouldn't let us leave. If I didn't do something, we would all get caught in The Pylon's destruction. I began radiating my flames, and Axel adjusted his weapons. Without saying anything, I sent my Ghostfire at Axel. The flames were much faster than they were before!

Before my Ghostfire could hit him, Axel sent his Phantom steel in front of it. This time, our Soul Elements clashed instead of mine overpowering his.

"If you thought that I was using my full strength this entire time, you are dead wrong!" Axel exclaimed. "I'll show you exactly what the leader of Team Platinum can do!"

Axel began radiating even more Phantom Steel. The liquid metal increased in mass until it was large enough to cast a shadow over everyone! I was shocked by the amount of Phantom Steel he was able to produce!

"Show me your response to this!" Axel yelled.

I had no idea if it would work, but I began to radiate even more Ghostfire. Eventually, my flames had grown to the same size as Axel's Phantom Steel! I didn't think I would be able to do it, but the sensation in my veins had told me otherwise.

"You really have grown," Axel said. "Bringing you in will get me an even bigger promotion than I thought it would!"

Axel's Phantom Steel began to branch off, coming at me from every direction. Before the Phantom Steel could reach me, I created a wall of Ghostfire between myself and the Phantom Steel. Without thinking, I used my remaining Ghostfire to attack Axel. The flames rushed toward Axel, who raised a barrier to defend himself. Before my flames struck the barrier, they split, avoiding the wall. Axel's Phantom Steel moved to deflect the flames, but it was too slow. My Ghostfire struck Axel with full force, driving him into the ground!

Axel attempted to use his Phantom Steel to get himself out of the stream of flames, but I used my flames to stop it. As I continued my constant stream, the feeling within my veins began to weaken. The weakening sensation was accompanied by an intense burning. My flames remained powerful, but I knew that the wavering of the flames in my veins meant that my time was almost up.

Before my time could run out, I began to increase the force of the flame stream. The force of the stream began to drill Axel through the ground! As I strengthened my flames, the sensation in my veins began to weaken even faster, and the burning in my veins increased. My entire body felt like it was on fire!

As my final attack, I compressed the stream of fire into a small ball and sent it into Axel with all of the force that I could muster. When the ball came into contact with Axel, it exploded, driving Axel even further into the ground!

After my final attack, the full effects of the weakening sensation struck me. My entire body burned as it did before, but it also felt as if my nerves had become extremely sensitive. The very act of standing sent pain into my feet and every breath burned.

I attempted to take a step forward, but immediately fell face first into the ground. Striking the ground sent an almost unbearable pain into my body. My bangs fell in front of my face, so I could see that my hair had turned brown again.

As I tried to take my mind off of the pain, I heard the footsteps of multiple people running toward me. When the footsteps reached me, they stopped and someone flipped me over. The simple contact with my arm caused intense pain. When my back hit the ground, I felt an even worse pain. When I flipped over, I could see Ashley, April, Dakota, Simon, Austin, and Chris. It seemed that Ashley woke them all up while I was fighting. The only people who were still unconscious were Addison, Jericho, and Tasia. Of all of the people I could see, Chris looked the worst. He had to lean on April to keep his balance. Everyone's faces showed complete shock.

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