Chapter 13: Attack

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As I was thinking, Addison walked over to me and sat down. She scooted closer to me until she was almost touching me.

"What happened?" She asked calmly.

"They saw us," I replied.

"How did you make it back?"

From the tone of her voice, I could tell that she was trying not to show that she was worried about me.

"Jericho and the others found us just in time," I said.

Addison smiled and placed her head on my shoulder.

"That's good."

We sat there for awhile in silence. Addison let out a yawn.

"I think I'm going to go to bed," She said. "I'm getting tired."

"Okay," I said. "I'll go to the room in a little bit."


Addison walked to the room. I looked up at the ceiling, thinking about what happened today. Quake and Wound were there because of me, and I had to do something about it.

"Room for one more?" A voice said to my left.

I looked to my left and saw Dakota. She had bandages wrapped around her arms and her forehead. She had multiple bruises on her arms and face, and that was only on the areas I could see. I couldn't imagine how many bruises she had all over her body.

"Sure," I replied.

Dakota sat down next to me.

"I just wanted to say, this isn't your fault," She said.

This surprised me. How did she know what I was thinking?

"This has happened every time we've gotten a new member," She continued. "All of us have felt like it was our fault, but The Overmasters stop at nothing to catch an escaped Yondite. Don't you ever blame yourself for something that The Overmasters did."

"Thanks," I replied with a smile. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem."

Dakota patted me on the shoulder, then stood up.

"Well, I better get to bed," She said. "You should to."

"I was just about to."

"Good, good night."

"Good night."

Dakota walked back to her room, and I stood up. I walked to my room and opened the door. Addison wasn't in the room, but the bathroom door was closed, so I assumed she was in there. I kicked off my shoes and grabbed my pajamas. A few seconds later, Addison came out of the bathroom in her pajamas. After she left the bathroom, I walked in to change into my pajamas. After I changed, I exited the bathroom, then climbed on the top bunk of the bed and fell on my pillow.

"Goodnight, Cyrus," Addison said.

"Goodnight Addison," I replied.

Addison turned the light off and got into bed. There was a lot going on in my head, but I was so tired, that it only took a few minutes to fall asleep. Little did I know, that night would not be a peaceful one...


I was awoken by the sound of an explosion outside! I kicked off my blanket and jumped to the floor.

"What was that!" Addison said.

I looked at Addison and saw complete terror in her eyes.

"I don't know," I replied. "Stay here, I'm going to go check it out."

Legend of the Flaming phantomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora