Chapter 6: Tests

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We spent the rest of the day exploring the underground hideout. It wasn't as big as I thought it was, but it was still huge. I just wondered how they got it. We didn't really talk to anyone, but I figured I would get the chance the next day. We couldn't tell if the sun was still up or not, so we went to our room when we saw everyone go to theirs.

When we got in our room, I kicked my shoes off and climbed into bed. Addison did the same. I got the top bunk while she got the bottom. I began to think about all that had happened. I still didn't know what was going on entirely. It all happened so fast. I was just glad that we were safe and didn't have to look over our shoulders.

"Cyrus?" Addison said. "Are you still awake?"

"Yeah," I said. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to know, what do you think of these people? I mean, we just met them."

"Well, I might not be the best judge of character, but I think we can trust them. After all, they are Yondites. Plus, Jericho didn't need to save us, but he did. I trust these people."

"In that case, I trust them too. I trust your judgment. What do you think training is going to be like tomorrow?"

"I don't know, but I hope they're tough. I don't want anyone to go easy on me. I need to be stronger, so those men won't be a trouble anymore. Anyway, we should get some sleep."

"Goodnight, Cyrus,"

"Goodnight, Addison."

That night, I had trouble sleeping. I hadn't had time to really think about everything that happened in the village because of the events that went down the past two days. My mind wandered back there and seemed to cling there. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get it out of my mind. It took about an hour until I finally fell asleep.

The next day, I was woken up by the sound a loud honk. I jolted awake and quickly sat up. I looked to the entrance and saw Ashley holding an object that I now know is called a blow horn. She was dressed in jeans and a light blue T-shirt.

"Time for your training," She said with a smirk.

Me and Addison got out of bed and followed Ashley out of the room. We followed her to the room that we first walked into with Jericho. She walked to the corner to the left of the entrance and knocked on the wall to her side five times, waited, then knocked four more times.

The wall opened up. Behind it was a massive room! The room was full of crates and metal barrels. There were also those strange weapons that the men that were chasing us used. Ashley turned to me.

"You ready?" She asked.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"This is our advanced training ground. You'll be training here. Addison will be training elsewhere, because she won't be doing anything advanced."

"Why am I doing advanced training? I'm just starting."

"It's because you are part of the Supernatural class. This will help us find out your level of usefulness."

"Alright, then where will Addison be training."

"We have another training ground here. I have someone waiting there right now."

"Speaking of other people, where is everyone?":

"They're all here."

Ashley snapped her fingers and everyone I noticed the day before, except Jericho, came out from behind some crates.

"They all got up pretty early for this," Ashley said.

"How long have they been here?" I asked.

"Only about half an hour. Anyway, they'll perform a few tests to see how they think you should start out. I'll escort Addison to her trainer, but when I get back, the real training will begin."

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