Chapter 23: Goodbye

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After Grayson left the bar, Ashley and I waited five minutes before leaving. When we left, we ran back to Austin, Simon, and Tasia.

"What happened?" Tasia asked. "I saw Grayson Fisher in there, and you seemed to agree on something with him."

"I'll explain when we get back to the bunker," Ashley replied. "Everyone should hear this at the same time."

Ashley began walking back to the bunker with all of us following. Since we had Austin and Simon, it didn't take very long to get back. When we reached the bunker, Ashley opened the hatch and we all walked in. As soon as we were all inside, she pressed a button and the door closed behind us. We walked down the stairs and entered the lounge, where everyone was waiting.

Ashley walked over to one of the couches and sat down. We followed her to the couches and sat where we could. When everyone sat down, Ashley spoke up.

"As Cyrus, Tasia, Austin, and Simon know, the man who left the message was Grayson Fisher."

The People who did come with us, except for Addison, gasped. Apparently, everyone knew who this guys was.

"But, you're here so that means it wasn't a trap," Dakota said.

"You're right about that," Ashley said. "It turns out, he only joined The Overmasters to get close to them. The information he gave us is vital."

"What did he tell you?"

"He told us how to defeat The Overmasters."

Ashley began to tell everyone about what Grayson told us. She told them about the pylons across Bioen, the relics' true purpose, and most importantly, about Max Witman and his immortality.

"So, all we have to do is destroy these energy pylons, and we'll be able to find Max Witman and stop The Overmasters?" Dakota said.

"That's what we were told," Ashley replied. "Grayson said that he'll have a car waiting for us outside of the city by tomorrow. I want all of you to be ready to leave tomorrow morning."

"Wait, we're actually going through with this?"

"Of course we are. It may sound far fetched, but it's all we've got. If he really wanted to, Grayson could have sent troops to capture us a long time ago."

"Alright. If you really believe this, then I'll follow you into battle."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Ashley looked to everyone else in the room.

"Does anyone have any objections?" She asked.

The room remained silent.

"Good. I want everyone ready to go by ten AM tomorrow. Now, go get ready."

Everyone left the lounge and headed to there rooms to get ready for the next day. I headed to my room with Addison even though we didn't have much to pack. The rest of the day seemed to go by much faster than it should have. Before I knew it, I was in bed, failing to get some sleep. All of this new information was coming so fast, that I didn't know how to process it. It kept bouncing around my mind until, eventually, I managed to fall asleep.

The next day, I woke up to Addison shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Wake up sleepy head," She said with a smile. "It's nine o clock, so we only have an hour before we need to go."

I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. I kicked off my blanket, then climbed out of bed. After getting up, I picked out some clothes, then entered the bathroom to change. When I left the bathroom, I was dressed in dark blue jeans and a red shirt.

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