Chapter 11: Emergency

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I waited outside of Addison's training room for about two hours when the door to the room finally opened. When it did, I heard a boy's voice saying, "It's been a productive day, Addison."

Addison walked out of the room with a boy. The boy had short, dirty blonde hair and freckles. The boy turned and saw me. He walked up to me.

"You must be Cyrus," He said. "My name's Simon Resonance."

Simon smiled and held out his hand. I could tell he was different from everyone else I had met so far. Everyone else had one thing in common, they all had a coldness in their eyes, even Jericho. When I looked at Simon, I could only see kindness in his eyes.

I shook Simon's hand.

"So,you're the guy that's been training Addison?" I asked.

"That's me," He replied.

"How's she doing?"

"She's doing very well. She's a quick learner, but from what I hear, not as quick as you."


"Yeah,I've heard all about your training. You learned how to effectively and almost perfectly use a gun in just a day. Not to mention, you were skilled enough to beat Chris on your first fight with him.That's amazing!"

Addison walked up from behind Simon.

"Cyrus,"She said. "What are you doing here?"

"Well,I got out of training early, so I figured I would wait for you to get out of your training. I also wanted to know how your training was going."

"Well,as Simon said, I'm doing pretty well. I've learned so many things that I had no idea about before. I didn't think self defense would be this complicated. It makes me wish I had your learning ability."

"I'm sure you'll get a hang of it very soon."

"I hope so. I really want to be able to take care of myself for once."

when she said this, I could feel a pain in my heart. Addison had never had to see this kind of violence until the village was attacked. Up until then, she was the most innocent person I had ever met.

"Well,"Simon said. "I'm going to let you two have some time together."

Simon began to walk away.

"Wait,Simon." I said before he could get too far.

Simon turned to face me.

"What is it?" Simon asked.

"Thank you," I said. "For everything you've done for Addison."

Simon smiled.

"No problem," He said as continued to walk away.

I turned to Addison.

"He seems nice," I said.

"He really is," Addison said. "I've learned so much from him."

"Well,that's good. I was worried about what kind of trainer you got.Anyway, let's go. I'm hungry and Ashley told me to head to the kitchen when you got out."

"Okay,let's go"

Addison and I started waking to the kitchen. When we reached it, Ashley was waiting there. I looked around and saw some things I had never seen.There were two large, metal boxes with doors on them, a smaller box that also had a door, along with five knobs on the side of it, and four black circles on the top.

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