Chapter 18: Sky Tower

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A few minutes had passed without me or Ashley saying a word. I was still amazed by how fast the car could move. As I was admiring the vehicle, I began to feel nauseous. As we continued, the feeling got worse.

"You feeling sick?" Ashley asked me.

"How could you tell?" I asked.

"Your face says it all. Don't worry, it's just motion sickness. Here, let me roll down the window, that should help."

Ashley pressed a button on her door and the window on my door opened. As the window opened, I could feel the wind from the speed we were going. The wind felt good. Not long after the window opened, I began to feel better.

"That's much better," I said. "Now, I've been meaning to ask, what's the plan to get Addison back?"

"Well, despite being the largest tower in the world, Sky Tower's security isn't really that strong. Most of their security is inside the building, but it's mostly comprised of guards instead of automated defense. There are cameras, but they don't have live feed, so we don't have to avoid them. All we have to do, is sneak passed the guards and find an elevator or a staircase so we can get to floor thirteen."

"Seems simple enough."

"Let's hope it is. We don't know if Squad Zero or Team Platinum is there, so we still have to be cautious."


We continued on in silence. After what felt like no time at all, a large tower came into view from behind a sand dune.

"There it is," Ashley said. "Get ready, I'm stopping the car very soon."

I looked at Ashley and nodded.

We kept going for a few minutes, then stopped, leaving a considerable distance between us and Sky Tower.

"Why are we stopping?" I asked.

"We need to keep some distance from Sky Tower," Ashley replied. "We can't just park right outside, or they'll notice us. If we stay this distance, it's very unlikely that they'll find the car."

"Okay, that makes sense."

Ashley took the key from the ignition, and the car stopped all movements and noises. She opened her door, then jumped out. I did the same and after I closed my door, she locked the car. We walked to the front of the car, where she handed me a gun with a silencer on it.

"I don't expect you to use it," Ashley said. "This is only for if you absolutely need it. It has seventeen rounds in it, so if you need to use it, then use it wisely. It's a good thing a brought a spare gun."

"Thanks," I said, accepting the pistol. "I just hope I won't have to use it."

"I hope so too. Now, let's go."

Ashley and I turned to Sky Tower and began running. I didn't know where we were going to enter the building, so I just followed Ashley. When we neared the building, she lead me around it. Soon, we reached the back of the building.

"What now?" I asked, breathing hard.

"Well, I was originally going to try to sneak in from the front, but now that you're here, you can help ."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, this wall is made if metal. Metal can melt, and I'm positive your Ghostfire can do the job."

"What if someone sees the light from my flame?"

"Just tone tone down the light. I taught you how to adjust heat, so all you have to do is focus on the light instead of the heat."

Legend of the Flaming phantomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora