Chapter 24: The Pylon

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When Ashley and I reached the car, everyone avoided eye contact with us. They must have been scared of Ashley going off on them for letting me follow her. Ashley remained silent as she climbed into the driver's seat. No one dared to ask her what happened. Ashley started the car, and we got moving.

It didn't take too long for everyone to start talking again, but they avoided asking about what happened. Soon, everyone was back to normal. Time seemed to fly as we came across City One. Without slowing down, Ashley turned east of the city and drove straight ahead. We drove until nightfall, taking a few breaks for meals. After a few hours of driving in the dark, Ashley stopped the car.

"We're stopping here for the night," Ashley said. "If continue tomorrow morning, we'll reach the Pylon by night, which will be perfect for us. Half of us will sleep in the car tonight, while the other half will sleep outside in the tents we brought. Now, let's get the tents set up."

It took about fifteen minutes for all of the tents to be set up. Jericho, Tasia, Simon, April, and Chris ended up sleeping in the tents, while Addison, Ashley, Dakota, Simon, and I took the car. We set blankets down in the car, then laid down to get some rest.

The next morning, I woke up early, which had never happened before. I sat up and looked to my right, where Addison was sleeping softly. She still had cuts and bruises across her face, along with that ugly scar that she had gotten back at our old village. It pained me to see her pretty face so obscured.

I quietly got up and exited the car. When I got outside, Jericho was sitting outside of his tent, eating a protein bar.

"I thought I was the first one up," I said.

"You would have to get up pretty early to beat me, my friend," Jericho replied. "I'm surprised that you're up this early, since you're usually the last one up."

"It's probably because this is the first time in a while that I didn't fall asleep underground. It's nice to wake up with sunlight flooding in the windows."

"Can't argue with that logic, I suppose."

I walked over to Jericho and sat next to him.

"It's strange to think we're actually about to attack an Overmasters base," I said.

"In a way, you already have. You do remember sneaking into Sky Tower, right?"

"That was different. There, I only snuck in to save Addison, but this time, we're trying to destroy a pylon that's almost the same size as Sky Tower. It really makes the situation sound hopeless."

"True, but it was hopeless before as well. At least this time, we have a chance."

"Sometimes, I think you're too positive."

"Well, someone has to be."

Jericho reached into the bag at his side and pulled out another protein bar. He threw the Protein bar to me and I caught it.

"Where did you get these?" I asked. "We didn't pack Protein bars."

"These are part of my personal stash," Jericho explained. "When I go foraging, I always take something for myself."

"Does Ashley know?"

"No, but it doesn't hurt anybody. Now, are you going to eat it or not?"

I tore open the wrapper and took a bite of the protein bar. Jericho and I sat there for around half an hour before everyone started waking up. When everyone was up, Jericho used a small grill to make breakfast. As soon as everybody finished eating, we all piled into the car and continued driving to The Pylon.

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