one: sweet sixteen

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orion's pov

"mum, sit down!" i laugh as my mom is attempting to dance.

"what bubs, i'm just try to whip and naenae. i watched a tut, i'll do it at the party." she said, still trying. i'm crying from laughter at this point. her dancing combined with the way she says "naenae" is amazing. she may have the strongest accent in australia.

"okay mum..." i'll just let her go crazy. she is paying for it after all.

"i'm gonna, WHIP, that asshole ryder in the face!" my now ex boyfriend, ryder, cheated on me... with my now ex bestfriend. it didn't go well when my mom found out.

she finally sits down and stops that scary dancing.

"so, we still have alot to do. i'm gonna run to get macca's and then we'll discuss alright?" she said, picking up her purse and slipping on her flats.

"alright, love you mum."

when she left i went upstairs to my bedroom to go get everything we need to continue planning my sweet sixteen party. i have this amazing planning binder. i like to be organized, it's magical.

"shit." i mutter under my breath. i can't find it. my mum probably put it somewhere. i turn and begin to walk out of my bedroom i trip over something. god i'm so clumsy.

i pick up the shoe box from underneath my bed and sit on my bed. the label on the box used to read "dad stuff" but i crossed out "dad" and replaced that with "asshole". i rarely look in this box but i guess it is about time for my rage fest.

me and my dad were inseparable from the start. he was the first person to make me smile, my first word was "dada", he taught me how to ride a bike. i was daddy's little girl. he loved me and i could always tell. no doubt about it. but one day i just woke up and my mum was sitting there at the kitchen table, crying. all of his stuff was gone. my mum and i haven't seen him since.

that day was 8 years ago.

i look through the box at the photos and notes. i come across one that really angered me. it was a note. he couldn't be there on my 7th birthday because he had been on a business trip. so he wrote me a note. of course i could barely understand anything but i do now, and he is a filthy liar.

hello sweetheart. i know that i couldn't be there today but i promise that i will make up for it. i am so proud of you. i love how sweet and generous you are. i don't know any other kids who would donate to charity instead of getting presents. you are amazing sweetheart. i'm so excited for your 16th birthday, as much as you don't like big gifts i just have to. i'm gonna buy you a car and i can't wait to teach you to drive. i will, i promise. you deserve it sweetheart. daddy loves you with all of his heart. i can't wait to get home and hug you. see you soon, love.

i never did get that hug.

i hate him, not even for that. he broke my mum's heart. and mine. shit, he broke this family. but it was definently harder on my mum. i barely knew what was happening, but she was heart broken. they'd been together for 13 years before he just randomly sent papers, filing for divorce. she will never know why or if it was her fault and she knows that, but i know it still hurts her to this day. my sister was so bummed too. she was more of a mummy's girl but she still loved dad. she refuses to even hear his name. but she's in college now, she's doing alright.

"are you ready orion" i hear mum yell as she walks up the stairs. i quickly seal the box and put it back under my bed.

"i can't find the book" i say. she finds it in under a minute and i immediately feel stupid. like usual ahahah.

i walk downstairs behind my mom, ready to continue planning my sweet sixteen, which was in exactly two weeks and three days by the way.

i'm living with my single mom who i'm actually close with, my dad is no where to be found and i just got cheated on.

definently not how i expected my life to be at this age.

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