seven: hit me up

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orion's pov:

i was surprised to have found a group of friends already. they were so cool.

i had so much in common with them. me, grayson, india and zac loved pretty much the same music. ryder, india, and brianna loved art as much as i did. piper, ethan and grayson loved sports. except grayson and ethan were good at basketball. me and piper liked volleyball. we were even thinking about trying out for the girls varsity team.

"bye guys, i've gotta go. let me know if you're going to the party!" piper said as she hopped into her jeep.

"what party?" i asked grayson as we waved to piper, who was speeding away.

"this girl jamie bradley always throws parties. they're always lit. she decided to throw one for the beginning of the year i guess." he explains.

"lit?" what the fuck does that mean. he chuckles.

"it means fun basically. atleast that's how i use it."

"oh ok. i see." i pull out my phone and i see a text from my mum.

mum💓👑: i'm running a little late bubs. i'll be there in 20 minutes.

"damn it!" i say under my breath.

"what's wrong"

"my mum is running late and i wanted to get home before it got cloudy" i say.

"why?" he asked, confused.

"because i wanted to paint the pretty sky and now the sun is gone. you can go if you need to." lmao i probably sounded like such a weirdo.

"aw that's okay, but nah i'm good right here." he said, smiling. i smile back.

we just sat there smiling until he broke the silence.

"so do you wanna go to the party tommorow night?"

"i guess so. i have nothing better to do anyways" i really didn't have anything better to do.

"okay, cool. i would say i'll come pick you up, but i can't do that without your number." he pulled out his phone and sat it on my lap.

i just shook my head and laughed. after i put my number in his phone i took a picture for my contact, but then i started taking random ass pictures of everything. finally i picked one.

i went to delete the rest, but he stopped me.

"oh no, you can keep those there." he grabbed his phone from my hands.

we were silent for a minute because he was busy doing something on his phone.

"what's your instagram?" he broke the silence once again.

"it's just orion.silver" my phone lit up a few seconds later.

instagram: grayson hall🤑😈 (gray.sonn) started followed you

instagram: @gray.sonn tagged you in a photo

after i followed him back i checked what he tagged me in.

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