four: are we there yet

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orion's pov:

1 week later

tommorow is the day. i'll get to meet adrianna. i will have to start my whole life over.

i'm looking forward to it though. it should be great.

my mother and i have just been packing our clothing, that we were allowed to take, and other personal belongings. our suitcases could only be a certain weight. oops.

my mom said she would take me out to shop in america. that should be fun.

we would be catching a flight tonight at 10:00 o' clock. i've already said goodbye to all of my friends and family. unfortunately ryder came to my door, but my mom screamed. yet another benefit of moving across the world.

atleast i have facetime for ally.

7:00 pm

it's time for us to leave our house and be on our way. the airport isn't that far but we still have to go through security and stuff. bloody hell. who thinks i'm gonna kill someone. i mean... maybe. it just takes so fucking long.

we roll our suitcases out to the taxicab and put them in the trunk. when we get in the driver immediately pulls off.

after a long ride, we pay the driver and head into the long lines of hell.

i hate being touched by these creepy strangers. people are weird these days. these security folks think they are tricking someone. shame.

"come along ma'am" i hear someone say as they are tugging me somewhere, away from my mum.

i start to panic because i wasn't expecting  for anything bad happening. this is my first time on a plane i'm already scared enough that we're gonna crash and die.

"what's going on?" i scream. attempting to shake out of the grips of the masculine, buff men.

"ma'am calm down! you're just in a different line!" one of the men said, staring at me like i was out of my mind.

i find out that that line was shutting down and they only had time for a specific amount of people. wow ok. i'm such a drama queen.

"oh ok, thanks uhhh..." i pause, looking at him. i look down at his name tag. "mr. dick"

i'm so childish. so i laugh. me being me.

he rolls his eyes. "enjoy your flight ma'am" and they all walk away. i just stand here.

my mom eventually gets finished and i'm just about to be next. she goes to the bathroom, which is like 10 minutes away in this humongous airport.

"next!" the guys up front yells.

i walk up, rolling my suitcase slowly behind me.

"damn" i hear. i look up and see a beautiful boy. bloody hell. i nearly pissed my pants.

"thanks?" i say, not really sure if he was talking about me or not. i was a little too confident.

"you're welcome, beautiful" okay, maybe not.

"so, what's your name?" he says, smiling.


"orion." i say in a short, annoyed tone. he begins to pat me down. huh. "cool, mine is jackson." he lingers on my behind for a second until i basically bark at him.

"oh, fiesty. i like it" lord help me. "how old are you orion?" he said, completely butchering my name, even though he just heard me say it.

"don't even try it" i say, grabbing my stuff from the end of the conveyor belt and walking away like a badass. i was so bothered and tired. i had a long flight ahead of me so i should get the sleep i need.

i sit on a nearby bench until my mum returns.

"sorry hun, i met a really nice lady and sh-... what's wrong honey?" she asked with a comcerned look.


"you look sad" she said pinching my cheeks.

"i'm just tired and irritable that's all" i say, laying my head back.

"10:00 flight to florida now boarding" a man with a scary deep voice said over a speaker.

"YES! LET'S GO!" i jump up.


we were finally on the plane and sitting in our seats.

i prepared how people in the movies did. i had my neck pillow, my zines, comfy clothes, movies and i was prepared to ask for anything i wanted, whenever i wanted from these flight attendants.

eventually it was time for take off and i almost cried. it was scary as hell, but i lived ok.

i was glad i wasn't in between the fat guy or the screaming baby. i hate screaming babies. i don't want anything pooping on me either.

"are we there yet?" i asked my mum. she laughed.

"funny joke honey. we have over 15 hours on this plane." she said shaking her head.

i feel like crying. i might die from boredom if i don't sleep right now. i turn on kehlani and close my eyes.

i was drifting off to sleep when i heard a baby start to cry.

oh look! time for me to jump out of the plane.

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